
Captured Region Date
VesperSiren Valkyrie Forest 2024·09·02 1:25:01 pm
faun689 Valkyrie Forest 2024·09·01 6:19:47 pm
Tempestra Varela Jungle of Sin 2024·08·29 12:23:43 pm
Summer Ocean TazBerg 2024·08·26 1:50:03 am
Christina Francis TazBerg 2024·08·23 11:46:33 pm
Christina Francis TazBerg 2024·08·23 11:42:07 pm
Christina Francis TazBerg 2024·08·23 11:33:24 pm
Christina Francis TazBerg 2024·08·23 11:29:35 pm
Hermine39 Valkyrie Forest 2024·04·29 2:54:24 pm
Hermine39 Valkyrie Forest 2024·04·29 2:24:44 pm


Attacker Region Date
TinyXtina Valkyrie Forest 2020·05·22 10:51:08 pm
Flower Blossom Kalana Woods 2020·04·09 6:19:23 pm
Gatuza Jaidov Stygia 2020·02·06 2:46:54 am
GhabarSingh Stygia 2020·02·05 9:05:37 am
Flower Blossom Stygia 2020·02·01 10:17:44 pm
Denzel Coy Stygia 2020·01·31 9:16:58 pm
Diggitydon Artis Stygia 2020·01·31 9:11:25 pm
Tatianna Starostin Stygia 2020·01·31 8:59:21 pm
caborojo Devin Stygia 2020·01·30 7:52:02 pm
Aralyn Vendetta Bastion of Aracena 2020·01·29 8:20:01 pm


Bound Region Date
Akasha Redenblack Bastion of Aracena 2020·01·31 8:27:23 pm
Aralyn Vendetta Bastion of Aracena 2020·01·31 8:26:43 pm
Diggitydon Artis Stygia 2020·01·30 10:04:14 pm
Diggitydon Artis Stygia 2020·01·29 9:01:50 pm
melanieroman Kalana Woods 2020·01·28 9:10:49 pm
Flower Blossom Kalana Woods 2020·01·28 9:10:09 pm
alexnyc Bastion of Aracena 2020·01·28 8:42:17 pm
Flower Blossom Kalana Woods 2020·01·28 7:34:07 pm
Euryalina Norvillian Outlaws 2020·01·27 5:36:27 pm
JusticeAnn Norvillian Outlaws 2020·01·27 5:36:11 pm


Binder Region Date
Mac Takeda Valkyrie Forest 2020·05·22 10:54:52 pm
Flower Blossom Kalana Woods 2020·04·09 6:20:51 pm
Gatuza Jaidov Stygia 2020·02·06 2:48:17 am
Luca Incognito Stygia 2020·02·05 9:10:08 am
GhabarSingh Stygia 2020·02·05 9:07:00 am
Gatuza Jaidov Bastion of Aracena 2020·02·01 10:48:01 pm
JamesCulum Stygia 2020·01·31 9:20:53 pm
Gacharocks Stygia 2020·01·31 9:00:19 pm
Purity Restless Stygia 2020·01·30 7:54:22 pm
Diggitydon Artis Stygia 2020·01·26 10:10:41 pm


Region Date
LR Weapons / Nidavellir Outlaws 2023·06·09 7:47:44 pm
Hunters Island 2019·12·02 12:11:10 am
Eternal 2019·02·17 5:56:24 am
Dark Sword Outlaws 2019·02·13 1:16:05 pm
Dark Sword Outlaws 2019·02·02 11:17:33 am
Mirkwood Forest 2018·07·28 3:26:26 pm
Mirkwood Forest 2018·07·28 3:13:26 pm
Mirkwood Forest 2018·07·28 3:06:20 pm
Mirkwood Forest 2018·07·28 2:51:14 pm
Mirkwood Forest 2018·07·28 2:34:48 pm


Killer Victim Date
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