What Lastchance

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Registered 2017-04-15 12:55:08
K/D 4.87:1
Binds 3.43:1
Bandages 1:1.68

Ϯ Ƥrı ɛ s է Ϯ

What Lastchance does not have a bio.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)
  • Stat Whore
    I hope those last hits were worth this achievement. (150xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



What Lastchance (City of Tarnburg) Arturius Elan 7:01:20 pm South Tower

RemoBoone What Lastchance 8:16:05 pm TORCA
What Lastchance RemoBoone 8:15:52 pm TORCA
Io Eleonara (TORCA) What Lastchance 8:10:04 pm TORCA
What Lastchance Lucilina (TORCA) 8:09:49 pm TORCA
What Lastchance Cameron Xenno (TORCA) 8:09:22 pm TORCA
What Lastchance RemoBoone 8:06:22 pm TORCA
RemoBoone What Lastchance 8:06:20 pm TORCA
Nasti Deed (Valeron) What Lastchance 8:00:48 pm TORCA
Valk Clifton (TORCA) What Lastchance 7:55:48 pm TORCA
Lucilina (TORCA) What Lastchance 7:29:42 pm HochBurg
KingBleda What Lastchance 7:26:49 pm HochBurg
Menagerie Bayn What Lastchance 7:24:40 pm HochBurg
What Lastchance Hypr Nova (Valeron) 7:20:39 pm HochBurg
Jared Jang What Lastchance 6:32:58 pm Ascalon Empire
What Lastchance What Lastchance 6:29:42 pm Ascalon Empire
Kiff Cloud (Dark Sword Outlaws) What Lastchance 6:25:07 pm Ascalon Empire
What Lastchance Sattamo76 Sadofsky (Ascalon Empire) 6:24:48 pm Ascalon Empire
What Lastchance Jared Jang 6:24:38 pm Ascalon Empire
What Lastchance KokeeKofee (Marsh Wood) 6:24:37 pm Ascalon Empire
What Lastchance couset 6:24:27 pm Ascalon Empire
Makayla Ronas (Valeron) What Lastchance 6:23:19 pm Ascalon Empire
Gloriousxsm What Lastchance 6:20:33 pm Ascalon Empire
What Lastchance MagnusMagmar 4:33:13 pm HochBurg
What Lastchance Drakon420 (HochBurg) 4:32:59 pm HochBurg
What Lastchance MagnusMagmar 4:30:31 pm HochBurg
What Lastchance Markiouss (Valeron) 4:26:56 pm HochBurg
Markiouss (Valeron) What Lastchance 4:26:56 pm HochBurg
What Lastchance RemoBoone 4:20:47 pm HochBurg
RemoBoone What Lastchance 4:13:44 pm HochBurg
Makayla Ronas (Valeron) What Lastchance 4:12:10 pm HochBurg

d8nger (Outcast Outlaws) What Lastchance 5:19:17 pm Ascalon Empire
What Lastchance Destrius (Ascalon Empire) 5:15:51 pm Ascalon Empire
Destrius (Ascalon Empire) What Lastchance 5:15:51 pm Ascalon Empire
What Lastchance Divine Paine (Ascalon Empire) 5:15:36 pm Ascalon Empire