Pernicious Shadow

Do Geese See God


Registered 2017-05-10 02:32:48
K/D 2.55:1
Binds 1.57:1
Bandages 1.5:1


I only wanted to be part of something

I let you cut me open just to watch me bleed.
Gave up who I am for who you wanted me to be.
Don't know why I'm hoping for what I won't receive.
Falling for the promises of the emptiness machine.



  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Marv Lynagh (Tamber Island) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 2:55:02 pm Hellvegen
Marv Lynagh (Tamber Island) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 2:53:36 pm Hellvegen
Marv Lynagh (Tamber Island) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 2:47:39 pm Hellvegen

Godric Shadow (Unknown) Pernicious Shadow 7:31:31 pm En'kara Fair
ShayLoganPaine Pernicious Shadow 7:29:44 pm En'kara Fair

Princescahottie (Mirkwood Forest) Pernicious Shadow 7:54:29 pm Mirkwood Forest
Drowning Pernicious Shadow 7:49:49 pm Mirkwood Forest
Drowning Pernicious Shadow 7:44:34 pm Mirkwood Forest
Drowning Pernicious Shadow 7:39:19 pm Mirkwood Forest

Ezio Sabretooth (Isle of Thera) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 5:13:46 pm Northern Forest & The ...
Ezio Sabretooth (Isle of Thera) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 5:12:45 pm Northern Forest & The ...
Ezio Sabretooth (Isle of Thera) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 5:07:29 pm Northern Forest & The ...

Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) Pernicious Shadow 6:36:21 pm Argentum Mines
Jet Vortex (Argentum Mines) Pernicious Shadow 6:34:46 pm Argentum Mines
Pernicious Shadow MeiYuki Suisei (Argentum Mines) 6:34:22 pm Argentum Mines
Pernicious Shadow PinnOne 6:33:33 pm Argentum Mines
Jet Vortex (Argentum Mines) Pernicious Shadow 5:57:26 pm Argentum Mines
Keymosabi Voxel (TORCA) Pernicious Shadow 5:56:13 pm Argentum Mines
Pernicious Shadow Megan Mu 5:55:47 pm Argentum Mines
Pernicious Shadow Drive2 (Argentum Mines) 5:55:42 pm Argentum Mines
Pernicious Shadow vladhyde Wheatcliffe (The Alar) 5:55:34 pm Argentum Mines
Pernicious Shadow PinnOne 5:54:33 pm Argentum Mines
Pernicious Shadow sweetk123 (Argentum Mines) 5:54:15 pm Argentum Mines
Pernicious Shadow Alexa Didero (WTF Outlaws) 5:54:11 pm Argentum Mines

Deioneus (The Lost City) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 4:20:01 pm Northern Forest & The ...
IMyst Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 4:04:53 pm Northern Forest & The ...
Krash McMahon Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 4:03:45 pm Northern Forest & The ...
tequilamaya (The Lost City) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 4:01:13 pm Northern Forest & The ...
Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) Deioneus (The Lost City) 4:00:50 pm Northern Forest & The ...
Quantum Vortex Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 3:57:26 pm Northern Forest & The ...
IMyst Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 3:56:28 pm Northern Forest & The ...
Harry Horchester (The Lost City) Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 3:53:07 pm Northern Forest & The ...
IMyst Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) 3:47:40 pm Northern Forest & The ...
Pernicious Shadow (The Exchange Point) TalonGrayheart (The Lost City) 3:41:54 pm Northern Forest & The ...

Pernicious Shadow Ashen Karas 4:44:06 pm Secret Bay