Alexa Didero



Registered 2018-06-21 05:31:27
K/D 1:2.79
Binds 1:1.07
Bandages 1.03:1


Fun loving and looking to make some awesome friendships here. =D

*•.¸♡ ƚαƙҽɳ ♡¸.•*

100% proven smart ass
Relax if I say hi to you, I am not hitting on you LMAO!!!

**** I cry when I laugh ****
**** To be with me is to understand that i have made a life in SL way before you showed up and I need you to respect that of part of me.
****I LOVE my friends and I play GE with them almost everyday, so there will be times that I will need that to get away from the stress that life brings, and I will be more than happy to teach you the game as well if you want.
**** I have a bestie who is a GUY and he is sraight but he is just that my best friend so get your mind out of the gutter and respect that please.
**** I will never lie to you EVER! Because I am always saying what I think and some may not like it. Tough nuggies and grow a pair.
**** I enjoy my whiskey from time to time so there is a possibility that I will be buzzed, not always but hey shit happens!
**** I am an open book some love me and other hate me but I just love all fervently and will always forgive but never tolerate.

**your rp does not have the right to dictate how I dress even if i am a slave. Thank you ;)**


Alexa Didero does not belong to any groups.


  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Alexa Didero Brunhildaestone (Schendi Savages) 9:19:47 pm Port Victoria
Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) Alexa Didero 9:13:57 pm Port Victoria
FieryHageshi (The Fallen) Alexa Didero 9:12:54 pm Port Victoria
DeadGirlWalking1 Alexa Didero 9:07:49 pm Port Victoria
FieryHageshi (The Fallen) Alexa Didero 9:06:28 pm Port Victoria
Alexa Didero Brunhildaestone (Schendi Savages) 9:05:12 pm Port Victoria
Brunhildaestone (Schendi Savages) Alexa Didero 9:05:12 pm Port Victoria
Tatianna Starostin Alexa Didero 9:04:19 pm Port Victoria
Alexa Didero Eddie Loveless (Port Victoria) 9:01:01 pm Port Victoria
Eddie Loveless (Port Victoria) Alexa Didero 8:58:24 pm Port Victoria
Alexa Didero Eddie Loveless (Port Victoria) 8:52:50 pm Port Victoria
Beauty Heartsdale (Port Victoria) Alexa Didero 8:51:34 pm Port Victoria
Alexa Didero Beauty Heartsdale (Port Victoria) 8:51:33 pm Port Victoria
Alexa Didero Eddie Loveless (Port Victoria) 8:49:49 pm Port Victoria
Eddie Loveless (Port Victoria) Alexa Didero 8:49:43 pm Port Victoria

DeadGirlWalking1 Alexa Didero 8:22:15 pm Port Victoria
Rian Marjeta (Argentum Mines) Alexa Didero 8:21:03 pm Port Victoria
Keymosabi Voxel (TORCA) Alexa Didero 8:13:55 pm Port Victoria
Jet Vortex (Argentum Mines) Alexa Didero 8:12:52 pm Port Victoria
Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) Alexa Didero 8:03:40 pm Port Victoria
Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) Alexa Didero 8:02:37 pm Port Victoria
Alexa Didero MightyEssence 7:55:30 pm Port Victoria
Alexa Didero Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) 7:51:52 pm Port Victoria
Eddie Loveless (Port Victoria) Alexa Didero 7:51:38 pm Port Victoria
Brunhildaestone (Schendi Savages) Alexa Didero 7:48:37 pm Port Victoria

Alexa Didero Beauty Heartsdale (Port Victoria) 11:15:57 pm Topanga Canyon
Eddie Loveless (Port Victoria) Alexa Didero 11:14:54 pm Topanga Canyon
Alexa Didero Tatianna Starostin 11:13:37 pm Topanga Canyon
Alexa Didero Beauty Heartsdale (Port Victoria) 11:13:03 pm Topanga Canyon
Alexa Didero Zachary Kenyon (Port Victoria) 11:11:51 pm Topanga Canyon
Beauty Heartsdale (Port Victoria) Alexa Didero 11:05:06 pm Topanga Canyon
boundtight (Topanga Canyon) Alexa Didero 11:04:42 pm Topanga Canyon
Eddie Loveless (Port Victoria) Alexa Didero 11:04:10 pm Topanga Canyon
Zachary Kenyon (Port Victoria) Alexa Didero 11:02:39 pm Topanga Canyon
Tatianna Starostin Alexa Didero 11:02:08 pm Topanga Canyon