Registered | 2017-09-11 22:27:00 | |
K/D | 5.29:1 | Binds | 8.8:1 |
Bandages | N/A |
Swallowed by a vicious, vengeful sea
Darker days are raining over me
In the deepest depths I lost myself
I see myself through someone else
Sky: Mostly sunny, occaisionally cloudy, every once in a while a violent storm.. but mostly sunny :P
Complete disarray or sheer pandemonium 天翻地覆: Tian Fan Di Fu, literally "Sky tumbles while earth turns over."
Alechandrosery | 1:14:47 pm | Village of Gimli | |
damonia Pedalo | 1:14:34 pm | Village of Gimli | |
Nuvenia Magic | 12:40:55 pm | Village of Gimli | |
Aoisla Luik (Village of Gimli) | 12:39:45 pm | Village of Gimli | |
Nuvenia Magic | 12:35:12 pm | Village of Gimli |
msbuttercup | 12:35:30 pm | Jungles of Ushindi |
Morrigancalhoun | 1:59:47 pm | Siba | |
staxs (Siba) | 1:59:41 pm | Siba | |
julieredshadow | 1:59:23 pm | Siba | |
NoirDesir99 (Marsh Wood Pirates) | 12:50:04 pm | Marsh Wood Pirates |
lacas Adamczyk (Gates of Despair) | 2:01:12 pm | Gates of Despair | |
Mariko Marchant | 1:12:46 pm | Port Falworth | |
Angie Passion (Port Falworth) | 1:11:23 pm | Port Falworth | |
Mariko Marchant | 12:54:27 pm | Port Falworth | |
PapillonKiwi | 8:47:23 am | Topanga Canyon | |
PapillonKiwi | 8:41:00 am | Topanga Canyon | |
Brookpowers | 8:21:10 am | Topanga Canyon |
ChrissyCheress Nandahar (Lost Ruins of Schendi) | 3:59:26 pm | Lost Ruins of Schendi |
MeiYuki Suisei (Village of Gimli) | 2:20:28 pm | Village of Gimli | |
MeiYuki Suisei (Village of Gimli) | 1:49:01 pm | Village of Gimli |
eagle Skute | 12:26:48 pm | Gates of Despair |
InfinityHeaven (Siba) | 1:23:23 pm | Siba |
Medusa Avora (Siba) | 1:41:19 pm | Siba | |
SuaveGal (Siba) | 1:38:15 pm | Siba | |
staxs (Siba) | 1:36:49 pm | Siba | |
WolfPaww (Two Scimitars) | 12:31:22 pm | Two Scimitars | |
WolfPaww (Two Scimitars) | 12:28:45 pm | Two Scimitars |
ScarletMatahari (Jungles of Ushindi) | 1:05:11 pm | Jungles of Ushindi | |
exoticpett (Jungles of Ushindi) | 12:54:53 pm | Jungles of Ushindi | |
xindrix (Jungles of Ushindi) | 12:53:46 pm | Jungles of Ushindi | |
ScarletMatahari (Jungles of Ushindi) | 12:52:42 pm | Jungles of Ushindi |
Xefaria (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) | 1:52:35 pm | Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers | |
Qahhar (Marsh Wood Pirates) | 1:17:06 pm | Marsh Wood Pirates | |
Olones Buccaneer (Marsh Wood Pirates) | 1:16:55 pm | Marsh Wood Pirates | |
Qahhar (Marsh Wood Pirates) | 1:14:17 pm | Marsh Wood Pirates |