x - Pikey x.
Registered | 2017-04-22 16:47:56 | |
K/D | 1:1.35 | Binds | 1.22:1 |
Bandages | 1:1.09 |
i love roleplay... if you are interested shoot me a message!
EdenRose Sharple | Naomi Bunny | 2:33:04 pm | Jungle of Sin |
Jennifer Lethdetter (Deadly Sinners) | EdenRose Sharple (Isles of Tira) | 4:59:42 pm | Deadly Sinners | |
Abel2Traveler (The Alar) | EdenRose Sharple (Isles of Tira) | 4:51:04 pm | Deadly Sinners | |
Godric Shadow (Deadly Sinners) | EdenRose Sharple (Isles of Tira) | 4:49:19 pm | Deadly Sinners | |
EdenRose Sharple (Isles of Tira) | UntouchableHeartt | 4:49:05 pm | Deadly Sinners | |
Aquillius Kroll | EdenRose Sharple (Isles of Tira) | 4:38:30 pm | Deadly Sinners |
EdenRose Sharple (Isles of Tira) | zecamarinha | 1:34:45 pm | Valkyrie Forest |
EdenRose Sharple (City of Saleria) | GudinneBuduhenna | 11:31:55 am | Saleria |
EdenRose Sharple | AnnaMadeline | 2:06:39 pm | Jungle of Sin |
EdenRose Sharple (Isles of Tira) | KageBrawnson | 12:54:43 pm | Sunholm Highlands | |
EdenRose Sharple (Isles of Tira) | Raizo Takeda (Isles of Tira) | 12:53:27 pm | Sunholm Highlands |