Chantelle Cloud

Champagne Chantelle


Registered 2017-04-28 19:12:41
K/D 1:1.23
Binds 2.61:1
Bandages 1.19:1


  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Combat Medic
    Finally you're good at something. (100xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)




Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Balrogh 1:43:39 pm Valkyrie Forest

Chantelle Cloud Kaine Core 12:31:59 pm Jungle of Sin

Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Knight Chemistry (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:38:15 pm Tharna City

Chantelle Cloud millakatecastigata 3:09:31 pm City of Saleria

Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Knight Chemistry (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:19:40 pm Tharna City

Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Innannia 1:39:15 pm Mirkwood Forest

Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) GudinneBuduhenna (Valkyrie Forest) 2:40:24 pm Valkyrie Forest
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) GudinneBuduhenna (Valkyrie Forest) 2:07:33 pm Valkyrie Forest
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) GudinneBuduhenna (Valkyrie Forest) 1:36:40 pm Valkyrie Forest

Chantelle Cloud TommiBoysDontCry 2:07:42 pm Jungle of Sin
Chantelle Cloud TommiBoysDontCry 1:57:26 pm Jungle of Sin

Chantelle Cloud Knight Chemistry 2:58:18 pm Jungle of Sin
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) RaikkonenTheIceman 12:42:25 pm Schendi Savages
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Summer Ocean (The Alar) 12:42:11 pm Schendi Savages
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Mac Takeda 12:40:26 pm Schendi Savages
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:31:23 pm Schendi Savages
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:26:56 pm Schendi Savages
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) amaralucia (Mirkwood Forest) 12:20:36 pm Schendi Savages
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) amaralucia (Mirkwood Forest) 12:19:50 pm Schendi Savages
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:14:28 pm Schendi Savages

Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) vladhyde Wheatcliffe (The Alar) 2:21:19 pm Tharna City
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) vladhyde Wheatcliffe (The Alar) 2:20:42 pm Tharna City

Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 1:14:33 pm Port Victoria
Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 1:13:06 pm Port Victoria
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) 1:01:03 pm Port Victoria
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:59:33 pm Port Victoria
Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:59:33 pm Port Victoria
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Olones Buccaneer (Marsh Wood Pirates) 12:53:47 pm Port Victoria
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:50:02 pm Port Victoria
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:46:27 pm Port Victoria
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:45:47 pm Port Victoria
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:43:15 pm Port Victoria
Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Tokutomi Takeda (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 12:36:09 pm Port Victoria

Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Adaginna Voxel 4:26:04 pm Secret Bay
Tatianna Starostin Chantelle Cloud (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 4:25:38 pm Secret Bay