


Registered 2019-05-22 04:38:53
K/D 1.31:1
Binds 1:1.09
Bandages 1.11:1

Cǟɛ Eռ'ʋǟʀ

Lady Cǟe
~*~ Healer ~*~



  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)




Caelae (Gates of Despair) anarmofgod (Gates of Despair) 1:38:11 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) lacas Adamczyk (Gates of Despair) 1:35:58 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 1:35:30 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) OneDaringAlicia (Gates of Despair) 1:35:06 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) OneDaringAlicia (Gates of Despair) 1:34:48 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) jenix Lemon (Siba) 1:33:39 pm Gates of Despair
Wabberz (Gates of Despair) Caelae (Gates of Despair) 1:33:05 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) beth Sheryffe 1:29:39 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 1:29:09 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 1:28:50 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) eagle Skute 1:27:56 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) Mavina 1:27:27 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) OneDaringAlicia (Gates of Despair) 1:19:56 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) Kirsten Klaar (Siba) 1:10:23 pm Gates of Despair

Caelae lacas Adamczyk 12:43:10 pm Jungles of Ushindi

Caelae (Gates of Despair) Junaide 9:39:02 am Gates of Despair
Caelae (Gates of Despair) Gweluon (Gates of Despair) 9:20:26 am Gates of Despair

Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) Balrogh 1:22:36 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) Balrogh 1:22:34 pm Gates of Despair
Alanxo Etchegaray Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:20:25 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 1:16:55 pm Gates of Despair
Alexposition Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:12:03 pm Gates of Despair
nono2613amidala Citron (Marsh Wood Pirates) Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:11:51 pm Gates of Despair
zabeya (The Lakes) Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:08:53 pm Gates of Despair
shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:08:31 pm Gates of Despair
shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:08:00 pm Gates of Despair
Alexposition Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:06:58 pm Gates of Despair
lacas Adamczyk Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:06:40 pm Gates of Despair
lacas Adamczyk Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:06:35 pm Gates of Despair
lacas Adamczyk Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:06:27 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:05:03 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) 1:05:01 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) Willilicious Georgette (Hikeda'ya) 1:04:34 pm Gates of Despair
Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) 1:03:43 pm Gates of Despair
Alanxo Etchegaray Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 12:49:00 pm Gates of Despair