Armando Darkheart



Registered 2017-04-23 14:24:53
K/D 1:1.61
Binds 1.18:1
Bandages 1:1.45

Armando Darkheart

Feel free to chat.
Armando Augustus Cazalet
Of The City of Saleria Recruting ALL Caste

When not in Gor just relaxing


  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Banker
    You're now officially the elite. (100xp)
  • Easy Way Out
    Don't you feel special. (-50xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)




Eowyn Altarga (Gates of Despair) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 1:08:06 pm Gates of Despair
shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 1:05:07 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Caelae (Twin Falls Village - Lydius Port) 1:05:03 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Balrogh 1:04:41 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Balrogh 1:04:12 pm Gates of Despair
Willilicious Georgette (Hikeda'ya) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 1:02:23 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) lacas Adamczyk 1:02:16 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) lacas Adamczyk 1:01:12 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) lacas Adamczyk 12:56:39 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Willilicious Georgette (Hikeda'ya) 12:52:59 pm Gates of Despair
Willilicious Georgette (Hikeda'ya) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 12:52:56 pm Gates of Despair
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Balrogh 12:40:37 pm Gates of Despair

Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) vladhyde Wheatcliffe (The Alar) 6:21:25 pm The Alar
Mogunge Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:20:45 pm The Alar
Lion Ravenhurst Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:19:15 pm The Alar
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Drive2 (Argentum Mines) 6:01:57 pm The Alar
Drive2 (Argentum Mines) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:01:55 pm The Alar
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) PJ Blackheart (Reavers of the Thassa) 6:00:30 pm The Alar
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) vladhyde Wheatcliffe (The Alar) 5:59:29 pm The Alar

Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) 6:27:25 pm Argentum Mines
UntouchableHeartt Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:25:15 pm Argentum Mines
Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:23:40 pm Argentum Mines

Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) CinderAnise 6:32:36 pm Argentum Mines
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Mogunge 6:32:14 pm Argentum Mines
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) Rian Marjeta (Argentum Mines) 6:31:56 pm Argentum Mines
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) TheaJatho (The Alar) 6:22:41 pm Argentum Mines
Mac Takeda Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:07:52 pm Argentum Mines
Mac Takeda Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:07:11 pm Argentum Mines
Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:06:19 pm Argentum Mines

Drive2 (Argentum Mines) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:04:26 pm Argentum Mines
Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:01:38 pm Argentum Mines
Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) SkySunwalker (Gates of Despair) 5:52:29 pm Argentum Mines

Zachary Kenyon (The Woodsmen) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:47:21 pm The Woodsmen
GypsyEsmeralda Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 6:45:08 pm The Woodsmen

TheaJatho (The Alar) Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 7:06:45 pm Argentum Mines