Cartaphilus Gregan



Registered 2017-05-04 02:14:10
K/D 1:2.1
Binds 1:26
Bandages 2.1:1


2018 the year gm and zcs fall in love and have a beautiful neutral baby meter I walked away from the mirror.
it was morning, it was afternoon, it was
night...... it was nothing

Homeless Hobo living out old age with the odd skurmish and a bit of fishing...

[11:02] Niki (NikiKittykat Resident): who want to raid with a hobbo? lol


Cartaphilus Gregan does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



Cartaphilus Gregan TatuVonHelsing 11:36:19 am Tharna City
Cartaphilus Gregan TatuVonHelsing 11:34:36 am Tharna City
Cartaphilus Gregan TatuVonHelsing 11:33:37 am Tharna City
Cartaphilus Gregan TatuVonHelsing 11:31:47 am Tharna City
Cartaphilus Gregan TatuVonHelsing 11:30:55 am Tharna City

AlondraBristol Cartaphilus Gregan 9:57:44 pm Kandor Outlaws
Kula Damiano Cartaphilus Gregan 9:54:16 pm Kandor Outlaws
Cartaphilus Gregan AlcYanne 9:44:41 pm Kandor Outlaws
Cartaphilus Gregan Gloriousxsm 9:41:31 pm Kandor Outlaws
Gloriousxsm Cartaphilus Gregan 9:41:27 pm Kandor Outlaws
Cartaphilus Gregan Flower Blossom 9:38:29 pm Kandor Outlaws

Joseph Cardalines Cartaphilus Gregan 8:33:37 pm Argentum Mines
marcus99758 Cartaphilus Gregan 8:31:07 pm Argentum Mines
Cartaphilus Gregan Thor9 8:24:01 pm Argentum Mines
Cartaphilus Gregan Priscilla Naxos 8:22:36 pm Argentum Mines
Priscilla Naxos Cartaphilus Gregan 8:22:25 pm Argentum Mines
Henryatropa Cartaphilus Gregan 8:21:22 pm Argentum Mines
Cartaphilus Gregan Priscilla Naxos 8:19:16 pm Argentum Mines
Priscilla Naxos Cartaphilus Gregan 8:19:12 pm Argentum Mines
Cartaphilus Gregan SensuousRage 8:17:03 pm Argentum Mines

Cartaphilus Gregan cellardoorstrangeling 8:18:43 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Cartaphilus Gregan Teeka Mikoyan 8:16:45 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Cartaphilus Gregan py0py 8:15:56 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Cartaphilus Gregan Naja Yazimoto 8:15:19 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Hypr Nova Cartaphilus Gregan 8:07:55 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Cartaphilus Gregan Teeka Mikoyan 8:06:37 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Naja Yazimoto Cartaphilus Gregan 8:05:27 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Naja Yazimoto Cartaphilus Gregan 7:49:38 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Cartaphilus Gregan RebekahMikaelsn 7:49:32 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Hypr Nova Cartaphilus Gregan 7:41:19 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Naja Yazimoto Cartaphilus Gregan 7:38:32 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Cattarina Carter Cartaphilus Gregan 7:09:29 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
Hypr Nova Cartaphilus Gregan 7:06:44 pm Calypso Bay Pirates
IannaMia py0py 7:06:42 pm Calypso Bay Pirates

Cartaphilus Gregan Barbara25 4:27:15 pm Kandor Outlaws