


Registered 2019-02-23 06:37:35
K/D 1:3.72
Binds 1:2.73
Bandages 1.16:1


The day is cold, and dark, and dreary
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) Bellahna (Topanga Canyon) 6:49:57 pm Topanga Canyon

bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) sharrissae 10:03:59 pm Topanga Canyon
Integritey bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:00:57 pm Topanga Canyon
Joshuwa Mysterious (Isles of Tira) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 9:59:14 pm Topanga Canyon

MeiYuki Suisei (Nixheim) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 11:00:30 pm Sunholm Highlands
MeiYuki Suisei (Nixheim) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:59:04 pm Sunholm Highlands
K2 Voom bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:23:36 pm Sunholm Highlands
bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) K2 Voom 10:23:31 pm Sunholm Highlands
K2 Voom bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:22:45 pm Sunholm Highlands
RaihanChy (Nixheim) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:18:58 pm Sunholm Highlands
bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) K2 Voom 10:18:19 pm Sunholm Highlands

ScoobieSnax bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:22:39 pm Sunholm Highlands
ScoobieSnax bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:21:27 pm Sunholm Highlands

plsdonthurtme (Valkyrie Forest) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:27:55 pm Topanga Canyon
plsdonthurtme (Valkyrie Forest) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:27:26 pm Topanga Canyon
sugarbabyss bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:25:33 pm Topanga Canyon

bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) Matteo Alchemi 10:31:29 pm Village of Gimli

bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) K2 Voom 10:26:59 pm Topanga Canyon
bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) candispice 10:25:41 pm Topanga Canyon

bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) K2 Voom 9:50:59 pm Tuath

MeiYuki Suisei (Secret Bay) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 11:34:47 pm Secret Bay

Leda Oryl (Ice Fang) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 9:57:59 pm Ice Fang
Leda Oryl (Ice Fang) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 9:49:02 pm Ice Fang
EmberShadow66 (Selnar of Aria) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 9:47:01 pm Ice Fang

Hypr Nova (Isles of Tira) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:19:52 pm Topanga Canyon
Hypr Nova (Isles of Tira) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:19:45 pm Topanga Canyon
Hypr Nova (Isles of Tira) bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:19:04 pm Topanga Canyon
kanrem bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) 10:18:20 pm Topanga Canyon

bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) Malinda Constantine (Laurius River Corridor) 10:41:18 pm Topanga Canyon

bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) marcellledbetter (Tharna City) 8:51:42 pm Tharna City
bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) marcellledbetter (Tharna City) 8:51:02 pm Tharna City

bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) K2 Voom 10:43:56 pm Siba
bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) K2 Voom 10:42:25 pm Siba
bellebtrouble (Aurum Realm) K2 Voom 10:42:14 pm Siba

ShayLoganPaine bellebtrouble 10:59:28 pm Genesian Port