


Registered 2021-07-06 23:11:23
K/D 1.62:1
Binds 1:1.04
Bandages 1.34:1


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  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Sonny Homebuilder (WTF Outlaws) Takker 6:56:34 pm Argentum Mines
Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) Takker 6:54:53 pm Argentum Mines
Takker Drive2 (Argentum Mines) 6:54:48 pm Argentum Mines
Takker Riott Dismantled 6:54:32 pm Argentum Mines
Evemorrow (Mirkwood Forest) Takker 6:50:47 pm Argentum Mines
Evemorrow (Mirkwood Forest) Takker 6:50:19 pm Argentum Mines
Pocahontas Bigboots Takker 6:49:18 pm Argentum Mines
Takker Jennifer Lethdetter (The Alar) 6:45:44 pm Argentum Mines
Nephirye (The Alar) Takker 6:39:52 pm Argentum Mines

Takker Flower Blossom 7:51:55 pm LR Weapons / Ghost Str...
Flower Blossom Takker 7:48:38 pm LR Weapons / Ghost Str...
Takker VerdasNavaali (TORCA) 7:48:27 pm LR Weapons / Ghost Str...
Takker Takker 7:24:16 pm Hikeda'ya
ShainaMoore (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Takker 7:22:19 pm Hikeda'ya
Takker Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 7:22:02 pm Hikeda'ya
Takker Raizo Takeda (The Alar) 7:21:16 pm Hikeda'ya
Takker kyrandra (The Alar) 7:16:16 pm Hikeda'ya
Takker kyrandra (The Alar) 7:15:52 pm Hikeda'ya
Takker Simara Serpente 7:12:31 pm Hikeda'ya
kyrandra (The Alar) Takker 7:09:54 pm Hikeda'ya
Takker kyrandra (The Alar) 7:09:50 pm Hikeda'ya

Takker Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 7:58:40 pm The_Warlord
Takker PatinaMarie 7:57:29 pm The_Warlord
Takker Armando Darkheart (Isles of Tira) 7:54:26 pm The_Warlord

Takker CeresSenovara (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 3:20:58 pm Valkyrie Forest
Takker CeresSenovara (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) 3:19:40 pm Valkyrie Forest

Takker Takker 10:33:15 am Rarir
sumantaray1986 Takker 10:31:53 am Rarir
Takker Raizo Takeda (Isles of Tira) 10:22:28 am Rarir

OoopsychobitchooO (Marsh Wood Pirates) Takker 2:40:06 pm Port Kar - Caste of Th...
fahye (Marsh Wood Pirates) Takker 2:39:01 pm Port Kar - Caste of Th...
Takker Aion Ethaniel (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:38:50 pm Port Kar - Caste of Th...
Raijin Winkler Takker 2:26:06 pm Port Kar - Caste of Th...
Aion Ethaniel (Marsh Wood Pirates) Takker 2:09:28 pm Port Kar - Caste of Th...
Fata Falta (Marsh Wood Pirates) Takker 2:07:29 pm Port Kar - Caste of Th...