Sutara Luminos

"You Gonna learn today!!!!


Registered 2017-11-14 07:02:49
K/D 1.04:1
Binds 1:1.17
Bandages 1.61:1


💥Smiles are contagious, be a carrier.💥 🌸 Things I enjoy in sl? Building, Exploring, Roleplay🌸 Talking to my friends,Family Sometimes just enjoying the moment *Dont forget to go outside and touch grass*


Sutara Luminos does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Banker
    You're now officially the elite. (100xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)



Sutara Luminos Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 11:58:46 am Woods of Clearchus
Sutara Luminos Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 11:58:06 am Woods of Clearchus
Sutara Luminos Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 11:57:14 am Woods of Clearchus

Sutara Luminos Drizantlar Veriander (Boswell Pass (new location)) 7:59:22 am Boswell Pass (new loca...
Sutara Luminos Drizantlar Veriander (Boswell Pass (new location)) 7:57:10 am Boswell Pass (new loca...
Sutara Luminos Drizantlar Veriander (Boswell Pass (new location)) 7:56:19 am Boswell Pass (new loca...
Sutara Luminos Drizantlar Veriander (Boswell Pass (new location)) 7:55:16 am Boswell Pass (new loca...
Sutara Luminos Drizantlar Veriander (Boswell Pass (new location)) 7:54:34 am Boswell Pass (new loca...
Sutara Luminos Drizantlar Veriander (Boswell Pass (new location)) 7:53:25 am Boswell Pass (new loca...

Falling Sutara Luminos 6:56:27 pm the Black Lodge

Sutara Luminos sosla Beck 11:39:14 am the Black Lodge

Sutara Luminos Boundy Schwartzman 7:01:31 pm the Black Lodge
Sutara Luminos Boundy Schwartzman 6:51:00 pm the Black Lodge
Sutara Luminos Boundy Schwartzman 6:47:08 pm the Black Lodge

Sutara Luminos Sutara Luminos 6:10:46 pm Boswell Pass (new loca...
Drizantlar Veriander (Boswell Pass (new location)) Sutara Luminos 5:59:24 pm Genesian Port
Sutara Luminos Drizantlar Veriander (Boswell Pass (new location)) 5:53:57 pm Genesian Port

Sutara Luminos Raielyn Nova (Port of Brundisium) 4:08:22 pm Genesian Port

Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) pleasuringutopia 2:38:48 pm Port of Brundisium

Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) pleasuringutopia 3:42:25 pm Port of Brundisium
Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) pleasuringutopia 3:41:00 pm Port of Brundisium

Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) pleasuringutopia 4:31:06 pm Port of Brundisium
Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) pleasuringutopia 4:29:39 pm Port of Brundisium

Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) pleasuringutopia 1:12:57 pm Port of Brundisium

Sutara Luminos Dick Fearsum 1:47:31 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...

Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 2:23:42 pm Port of Brundisium
Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 2:22:24 pm Port of Brundisium

Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Mallairian (Ryu's Ridge) 6:21:46 pm Port of Brundisium
Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Mallairian (Ryu's Ridge) 6:21:07 pm Port of Brundisium
Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Will Munforth (Sais Village) 6:02:59 pm Port of Brundisium
Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Litalf Hawker (Port of Brundisium) 5:59:55 pm Port of Brundisium

Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Aidenn Jewell 8:58:18 pm Port of Brundisium
Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Aidenn Jewell 8:56:37 pm Port of Brundisium
Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Aidenn Jewell 7:35:44 pm Sa San Tu
Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) Sutara Luminos (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:34:23 pm Sa San Tu