Ainsley Bloodstone

Ubara of the Forest


Registered 2017-11-21 22:39:50
K/D 1.34:1
Binds 1:1.7
Bandages 1:1.16


Born to a wealthy family, she was forced to live on her own at a young age after her Uncle took her family money and lost it on frugle investments. He looked at her making telling her that he was going to sell her to the town merchant she quickly packed her things and hopped on the next boat not carrying where it took her. She ended up finding her way into the forest and now her new life begins.


Sa San Tu BTB


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Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) Elkwun (Skerry of Var) 7:06:33 pm Woods of Clearchus
Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) Elkwun (Skerry of Var) 6:59:51 pm Woods of Clearchus
Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) Elkwun (Skerry of Var) 6:58:24 pm Woods of Clearchus

Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) Elkwun (Skerry of Var) 7:04:27 pm Woods of Clearchus
Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) Elkwun (Skerry of Var) 7:00:18 pm Woods of Clearchus
Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) fatalia 6:59:04 pm Woods of Clearchus
Skyla Serupta Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:58:52 pm Woods of Clearchus
Elkwun (Skerry of Var) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:57:22 pm Woods of Clearchus
Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) fatalia 6:57:11 pm Woods of Clearchus
ShayLoganPaine Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:55:38 pm Woods of Clearchus

Elkwun (Skerry of Var) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:40:36 pm Skerry of Var
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:38:06 pm Woods of Clearchus
Elkwun (Skerry of Var) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:37:38 pm Woods of Clearchus
Elkwun (Skerry of Var) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:32:56 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:29:53 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:28:16 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:25:20 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:24:43 pm Woods of Clearchus
Elkwun (Skerry of Var) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:23:07 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:22:19 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:20:05 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:18:32 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:15:49 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:14:20 pm Woods of Clearchus
Kaci Claw (Woods of Clearchus) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:12:33 pm Woods of Clearchus

Elkwun (Skerry of Var) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 7:02:05 pm Woods of Clearchus
Elkwun (Skerry of Var) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:58:14 pm Woods of Clearchus
Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) ChiChiharu 3:55:42 pm Woods of Clearchus

Jaraak Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:05:31 pm City of Turmus
Quibbles Fibble (City of Tarnburg) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:03:39 pm City of Turmus
Alexus Jupiter Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:03:12 pm City of Turmus
Alexus Jupiter Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 6:00:43 pm City of Turmus
RileyHutchinson1 Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 5:54:08 pm City of Turmus
RileyHutchinson1 Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 5:53:34 pm City of Turmus
Kyrene Celestia (Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northern Forest & Laurius River~BtB Gor) Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 5:52:30 pm City of Turmus