Boundy Schwartzman



Registered 2017-07-27 19:59:55
K/D 1:2.21
Binds 1:1.97
Bandages 1:3.38

Boundy Schwartzman

Einmal Belnend, immer Belnend

- FC von Nici Collins -

Keine großen Worte und Zitate hier. Ich wünsche mir nachvollziehbares und gutes RP ohne Rechthaberei mit Spaß an der Sache.


Boundy Schwartzman does not belong to any groups.


  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Loose Change
    You might as well give your money away. (-10xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Banker
    You're now officially the elite. (100xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Boundy Schwartzman CuddlyPuppy21 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 12:32:55 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Ariane Askari (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 12:28:51 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Boundy Schwartzman Ariane Askari (Belnend) 12:28:48 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Jwahir Nyoki (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 12:24:00 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Jwahir Nyoki (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 12:20:00 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Boundy Schwartzman Yairana 12:17:13 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Jwahir Nyoki (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 12:17:00 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Jwahir Nyoki (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 12:15:09 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Boundy Schwartzman chrystal Melody 12:13:38 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Jwahir Nyoki (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 12:13:05 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Fata Falta (Schendi Savages) Boundy Schwartzman 11:40:37 am Schendi Savages
Kedoewyth Boundy Schwartzman 11:39:24 am Schendi Savages
SirFrancisDrak (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 11:38:02 am Schendi Savages
Tharyn Meskin (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 11:36:29 am Schendi Savages
Hina Ichibara Boundy Schwartzman 11:33:47 am Schendi Savages
Yairana Boundy Schwartzman 11:18:22 am Schendi Savages
Yairana Boundy Schwartzman 11:18:18 am Schendi Savages

Fata Falta (Schendi Savages) Boundy Schwartzman 1:05:33 pm Belnend
prince Zackerly (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) Boundy Schwartzman 12:59:51 pm Belnend
Raizo Takeda (Schendi Savages) Boundy Schwartzman 12:56:59 pm Belnend

Boundy Schwartzman Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) 12:49:20 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
chrystal Melody Boundy Schwartzman 12:47:37 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
PinnOne (Argentum Mines) Boundy Schwartzman 12:46:01 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
TahiraSamira (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 12:44:38 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
FranziSchmaul Boundy Schwartzman 12:40:36 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
FranziSchmaul Boundy Schwartzman 12:35:37 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Yoshini Nuyasaka (Port Cos GOR) Boundy Schwartzman 12:30:16 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Batsu Kamachi (Marsh Wood Pirates) Boundy Schwartzman 11:57:42 am Belnend
Olones Buccaneer (Marsh Wood Pirates) Boundy Schwartzman 11:55:23 am Belnend
Jwahir Nyoki (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 11:55:17 am Belnend
Ariane Askari (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 11:53:50 am Belnend
Olones Buccaneer (Marsh Wood Pirates) Boundy Schwartzman 11:52:59 am Belnend
Ariane Askari (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 11:52:24 am Belnend
Ariane Askari (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 11:50:05 am Belnend
Ariane Askari (Belnend) Boundy Schwartzman 11:48:43 am Belnend