mariekeAife Darkrose

Don't be afraid to steal Just steal the right stuff


Registered 2018-08-02 01:36:53
K/D 1:1.25
Binds N/A
Bandages 2.5:1


Dabria: Hakan's angel of death 7.15.19
Stolen by the Thief
taken back by the killer. 3-9-21
and well stolen yet again. 4.1.22 Renamed Chiyo
7.12.22 Taken from a thief, by a thief....

Pani of Gor

[16:12] Saul (shangsao): gorean Jesus approved


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Gyrefalconn mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 10:09:07 am Port Kar ~ Tarn of the...
mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Harkani 10:06:05 am Port Kar ~ Tarn of the...
mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Harkani 10:05:31 am Port Kar ~ Tarn of the...
LucretiaW mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 9:26:26 am Port Kar ~ Tarn of the...
Gyrefalconn mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 9:25:18 am Port Kar ~ Tarn of the...
mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Harkani 9:25:04 am Port Kar ~ Tarn of the...

mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) MaIakhai 8:25:41 am Tamber Gulf

Harkani mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 2:19:51 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Harkani mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 2:16:58 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Harkani 2:15:03 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Harkani 2:14:16 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Harkani 2:13:33 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Harkani mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 2:06:08 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Harkani mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 2:04:25 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

mariekeAife Darkrose (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 1:21:32 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

Harkani mariekeAife Darkrose (Nordlys Marauders) 6:06:21 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

mariekeAife Darkrose Hakan Handayani 4:33:58 pm Victoria - Gor BR
Nash Franchini Hakan Handayani 4:31:43 pm Victoria - Gor BR

Hakan Handayani mariekeAife Darkrose 2:41:10 pm Fina
mariekeAife Darkrose Hakan Handayani 2:32:27 pm Fina

mariekeAife Darkrose Hakan Handayani 1:56:35 pm Fina

mariekeAife Darkrose Hakan Handayani 6:12:54 pm Port Kar