


Registered 2017-10-22 22:33:27
K/D 3:1
Binds N/A
Bandages 1:3


slave: slavery marked by Total Control and Ownership, Emotional, Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Just a Property

In Mistress-slave relationship there is total giving of power from the slave to the Owner (total power exchange (TPE)). The power exchange is present outside of sexual encounters, the slave can not and does not set any limits on the Owner. Rules of behavior, expectations and tasks placed on the slave. Rules can cover a lot more area, such as tone of voice, body movements, sleeping and eating habits, poise and more. The main focus in such a relationship is the service of the slave. The slave wants to relinquish all control to the Owner and is happiest when he finds the right Owner to which he can fully submit.


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Cupcake Khaos (Not NR) mahinn 7:14:51 pm Outskirts of Sardar
Cupcake Khaos (Not NR) mahinn 7:12:58 pm Outskirts of Sardar
JasonSakai (Not NR) mahinn 7:11:29 pm Outskirts of Sardar

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mahinn Angel717 7:38:47 pm Monster Energy
mahinn Angel717 2:48:51 pm Monster Energy
mahinn Angel717 2:46:26 pm Monster Energy

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Sacagawea mahinn 9:44:36 am Topanga Forest