
Accent of Ar


Registered 2019-02-23 04:45:49
K/D 1:3
Binds N/A
Bandages 1:1

Lady Da'nelle Maurae

People are drawn to powerhouses by nature. Sex bombs, intellectuals and beautiful women. Confidence won't intimidate a man, but it will have a little boy making sniveling remarks, and will enflame an insecure woman's petty jealousy. I have heels higher than most people's standards, and I don't apologize to anyone for them. Step up or shut up. I'm here to play at epic levels. If you're not ready, step aside.

I believe in second chances. Not third.
This isn't a baseball game. It's my character's life.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



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