SecondBible Guardian

Irak Ishmael


Registered 2018-11-10 19:47:29
Binds 2:1
Bandages N/A

Irak Ishmael

here for : nature, escapism, chat, friends

roleplay : i am a savage ... i live in the jungles, on the fields and on the beaches ...

interests : natives and nature (not really into walking traffic lights)


SecondBible Guardian does not belong to any groups.


SecondBible Guardian has not earned any achievements.



SecondBible Guardian RamanaYapanumi 11:31:17 am Meteor Garden

SecondBible Guardian lolo4101 1:19:06 pm City of Kulture

SecondBible Guardian Menander Blaisdale 7:36:00 am Rainforest of Sheba

SecondBible Guardian Tala Silvercloud 7:39:03 am Rainforest of Sheba

SecondBible Guardian DiferentMink03 4:16:08 am Rainforest of Sheba

SecondBible Guardian SecondBible Guardian 12:34:08 pm Kuela ja Keihas Panthers
SecondBible Guardian SecondBible Guardian 12:31:26 pm Kuela ja Keihas Panthers

SecondBible Guardian Afon Perl 3:49:32 pm Kuela ja Keihas Panthers

Tuor SecondBible Guardian 3:57:44 pm Olni
Menander Blaisdale SecondBible Guardian 7:28:18 am Secret Paradise

AurniaBB Resident SecondBible Guardian 10:48:35 am Valkyrie Forest

SecondBible Guardian SecondBible Guardian 2:36:11 pm Kuela ja Keihas Panthers
Girondino Andrew SecondBible Guardian 2:34:15 pm Kuela ja Keihas Panthers
Girondino Andrew SecondBible Guardian 2:33:13 pm Kuela ja Keihas Panthers
EveGalardo SecondBible Guardian 2:32:36 pm Kuela ja Keihas Panthers