Djinn Christensen

The One and Only


Registered 2017-06-28 01:41:56
K/D 1:1.06
Binds 1:2.33
Bandages 1:1.67

Djinn Christensen

“I am the punishment of God... If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” -Ghengis Khan

Djinn Christensen
Warrior of Gor
Master to these beauties.....
Rhi, Zippy, Snow
Loyalty is a two way street.


Djinn Christensen does not belong to any groups.


  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



Djinn Christensen AGF52 (City of Thentis-BTB Gor) 3:33:37 pm The Lost City
Djinn Christensen AGF52 (City of Thentis-BTB Gor) 3:28:31 pm The Lost City
Jess Brokken (The Lost City) Djinn Christensen 3:17:19 pm The Lost City
Djinn Christensen Djinn Christensen 3:15:16 pm The Lost City
Sphinx0 Djinn Christensen 3:08:35 pm The Lost City
Dark Kegel (Ryu's Ridge) Djinn Christensen 3:03:07 pm The Lost City

Djinn Christensen practicalwitch95 (Ryu's Ridge) 9:36:48 am City of Vonda and Home...
Djinn Christensen practicalwitch95 (Ryu's Ridge) 9:33:27 am City of Vonda and Home...

PointOfNoReturn Djinn Christensen 9:33:38 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor
Kaine Latzo Djinn Christensen 9:31:52 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor
Harry Horchester (Port Kar ~ Tarn of the Seas) Djinn Christensen 9:22:48 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor
Nummy Leborski Djinn Christensen 9:21:19 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor
CynricSaxon Djinn Christensen 9:19:10 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor

Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) 50shadesofvanilla 10:02:12 pm The Chemist
Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) 50shadesofvanilla 10:00:38 pm The Chemist

Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) Rory Collazo 8:55:04 pm City of Tarn Ridge

Risen Highwater (City of Tarn Ridge) Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) 5:49:44 pm Shiva Sa'ng Sar

Djinn Christensen Sikoyi 7:25:15 pm LR Weapons /WTF

Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) Mavina 5:21:23 pm Rive-de-Bois
Risen Highwater (City of Tarn Ridge) Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) 5:18:37 pm Rive-de-Bois
Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) TodesRose 5:16:58 pm Rive-de-Bois
Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) Mavina 5:16:49 pm Rive-de-Bois
JudasCarney (Vosk Morass) Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) 5:09:36 pm Rive-de-Bois

Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) Jesture 8:56:56 pm City of Tarn Ridge
Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) Jesture 8:55:27 pm City of Tarn Ridge
Djinn Christensen (City of Tarn Ridge) Jesture 4:52:04 pm City of Tarn Ridge

Djinn Christensen (Torvaldsburg) Colodor 5:37:13 pm Hrimgar Dale
Djinn Christensen (Torvaldsburg) Doom Vortex (Hrimgar Dale) 5:36:40 pm Hrimgar Dale
Djinn Christensen (Torvaldsburg) Void Hurricane 5:36:09 pm Hrimgar Dale
Djinn Christensen (Torvaldsburg) Void Hurricane 5:32:40 pm Hrimgar Dale

Djinn Christensen Juniper Raynier 3:48:13 pm Myrkvidr Village
Djinn Christensen Conner Christenson 3:46:33 pm Myrkvidr Village

o0lloll0o Resident Djinn Christensen 11:06:28 am Myrkvidr Village

Juniper Raynier Djinn Christensen 4:06:40 pm Skol
Juniper Raynier Djinn Christensen 4:04:18 pm Skol