Dana Lauridsen

Grumpy Bear


Registered 2022-12-17 07:51:22
K/D 1:2
Binds 2:1
Bandages N/A

Trinidad Koleri

When one door closes many others open up.I'm glad that life has a way of getting toxic people out of my life.


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Janet Mai (City of Venna) Dana Lauridsen 9:44:56 pm Cliffs of Baldr
Janet Mai (City of Venna) Dana Lauridsen 9:42:00 pm Cliffs of Baldr
Janet Mai (City of Venna) Dana Lauridsen 9:41:29 pm Cliffs of Baldr
Janet Mai (City of Venna) Dana Lauridsen 9:40:25 pm Cliffs of Baldr

Dana Lauridsen boulder Roxan 8:00:06 pm Tarna Nykusia
Dana Lauridsen Lana Genezzia 7:57:18 pm Tarna Nykusia
Dana Lauridsen boulder Roxan 7:55:59 pm Tarna Nykusia
Dana Lauridsen Zangii 7:42:16 pm Tarna Nykusia

Dana Lauridsen Dana Lauridsen 9:13:30 pm Port of Brundisium