
Captain Vane


Registered 2021-08-10 12:57:50
K/D 1:2.03
Binds 1:2.07
Bandages 1:1.15

Charles Vane

My Entire life i have fought people that think that all that matters is power.
and as long as chasing power , you can do whatever you want ,
you can be as ruthless as you want , as cutthroat as you want ,
you can rule with an iron fist , you can oppress whoever , whenever you want.
As long as it is in the name of power , fine , if that is the name of your game ... fine .
but understand if that is your game , my name isn't Charles Vane , my name is rebellion , my name is resistance.
I will fight
And you can't hang us all



  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



PinnOne (Argentum Mines) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:52:27 pm Port Victoria
Yoshini Nuyasaka (Sin Thieves of Port Cos GOR) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:50:20 pm Port Victoria
NoirDesir99 (Marsh Wood Pirates) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:47:51 pm Port Victoria
PinnOne (Argentum Mines) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:46:44 pm Port Victoria
Yoshini Nuyasaka (Sin Thieves of Port Cos GOR) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:29:19 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) kallista Dubratt (Port Victoria) 1:27:52 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) NitetHunter (Rarir) 1:26:18 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) NitetHunter (Rarir) 1:23:25 pm Port Victoria
Yoshini Nuyasaka (Sin Thieves of Port Cos GOR) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:15:59 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) NitetHunter (Rarir) 1:12:54 pm Port Victoria

Godric Shadow (Unknown) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 12:55:21 pm Port Victoria
Raizo Takeda (LR Weapons / Ghost Stronghold) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 12:54:12 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) NitetHunter (Rarir) 12:53:54 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) NitetHunter (Rarir) 12:53:10 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) NitetHunter (Rarir) 12:50:10 pm Port Victoria

Lion Ravenhurst (Whispering Moons / Ravens Hold) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:47:49 pm Port Victoria
Lion Ravenhurst (Whispering Moons / Ravens Hold) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:46:45 pm Port Victoria
RaihanChy (Whispering Moons / Ravens Hold) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:38:06 pm Port Victoria
kathy56703 (Hikeda'ya) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:33:55 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Yasiria (Whispering Moons / Ravens Hold) 1:33:52 pm Port Victoria
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Rian Marjeta (Port Victoria) 1:21:26 pm Port Victoria
LulCons (Hikeda'ya) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:19:51 pm Port Victoria

Nephirye (Hikeda'ya) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 10:13:08 pm Siba
Kovu Warden CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 10:09:35 pm Siba
Elkwun (Hikeda'ya) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 9:59:17 pm Siba
Elkwun (Hikeda'ya) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 9:55:13 pm Siba

Cayne Forager (Village of Gimli) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 6:29:59 am Topanga Canyon
Cayne Forager (Village of Gimli) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 6:29:31 am Topanga Canyon
sharrissae (Topanga Canyon) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 6:28:24 am Topanga Canyon

Lion Ravenhurst (Whispering Moons / Ravens Hold) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 3:20:37 pm Whispering Moons / Rav...
Raizo Takeda (LR Weapons / Ghost Stronghold) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 3:18:28 pm Whispering Moons / Rav...
Kedoewyth CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 3:11:55 pm Whispering Moons / Rav...
Jennifer Lethdetter (LR Weapons / Ghost Stronghold) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 3:08:26 pm Whispering Moons / Rav...
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Samira Sabahi (Whispering Moons / Ravens Hold) 3:06:11 pm Whispering Moons / Rav...
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Samira Sabahi (Whispering Moons / Ravens Hold) 3:04:38 pm Whispering Moons / Rav...