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Jungles of Gor



Region Type

Estate / Homestead


7 years ago



Home of the Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe and the Korat Trading Poste. Offering a combination of safe, consensual gorean role play to the north of the river, while a bit more "edge" in the Southern Jungles. Two regions in the Jungles of Gor. Open to all.










  • Beasts
    Beasts will take reduced damage.
Captures 55
Binds 27
Bandages 26
Kills 0
Aids 0
Resets 100
Last Synced 42 seconds ago



Latuss sarah Schonberg (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:45:51 pm
Latuss sarah Schonberg (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:44:26 pm

aloneinshadow DeliciousAchebe 12:41:28 pm
DeliciousAchebe aloneinshadow 12:41:08 pm
hamdy777 Resident aloneinshadow 12:37:26 pm
hamdy777 Resident aloneinshadow 12:35:43 pm

Singh Tokyoska (Jungles of Ushindi) Kelly7619 Kamala 1:29:11 pm
Singh Tokyoska (Jungles of Ushindi) Kelly7619 Kamala 1:28:13 pm
Singh Tokyoska (Jungles of Ushindi) Kelly7619 Kamala 1:26:46 pm

Olones Buccaneer exoticpett (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:20:18 pm
Olones Buccaneer exoticpett (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:19:22 pm
Olones Buccaneer exoticpett (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:18:09 pm

aloneinshadow Kalevala8 (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:43:26 pm

kirsten295 eagle Skute 1:31:35 pm

petea Topaz Palen Cale (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:42:03 pm
Batsu Kamachi Palen Cale (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:39:07 pm

aloneinshadow Palen Cale (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:05:09 pm
aloneinshadow Palen Cale (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:01:27 pm
shikk Palen Cale (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:00:24 pm

Kaiover sarah Schonberg (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:27:00 pm

katie Opaline (Jungle Rain-forests of the Schendi) archipius (Bright Moon) 12:55:02 pm

Kalevala8 (Jungles of Ushindi) kandre358 8:58:54 pm
Kalevala8 (Jungles of Ushindi) kandre358 8:56:54 pm

Pavell Clowes sarah Schonberg (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:33:17 pm
PinnOne sarah Schonberg (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:29:28 pm
Falling oOsanuraOo 8:49:05 am

Lion Ravenhurst KirstenMaebh 1:03:45 pm
Lion Ravenhurst KirstenMaebh 1:02:34 pm

LuKeFlaMeX sarah Schonberg (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:17:50 pm
Rayn432124 Lemondrop SilasRafferty 8:20:49 am
Drowning SilasRafferty 8:18:30 am

Maluquete nira Hatchuk (Olni) 8:50:23 am

Falling CuddlyPuppy21 10:33:51 am

Aquillius Kroll Dramen Darkbyrd 9:27:06 am

NaToth sarah Schonberg (Jungles of Ushindi) 2:06:29 pm


Attacker Captured Date
Latuss sarah Schonberg 2025·02·16 1:44:26 pm
hamdy777 aloneinshadow 2025·01·17 12:35:43 pm
Singh Tokyoska Kelly7619 Kamala 2024·11·28 1:26:46 pm
Olones Buccaneer exoticpett 2024·11·26 1:18:09 pm
kirsten295 eagle Skute 2024·10·05 1:31:35 pm
Batsu Kamachi Palen Cale 2024·08·22 12:39:07 pm
shikk Palen Cale 2024·06·24 1:00:24 pm
Kalevala8 kandre358 2024·04·25 8:56:54 pm
PinnOne sarah Schonberg 2024·04·10 12:29:28 pm
Falling oOsanuraOo 2024·04·10 8:49:05 am


Attacker Bound Date
Latuss sarah Schonberg 2025·02·16 1:45:51 pm
hamdy777 aloneinshadow 2025·01·17 12:37:26 pm
Singh Tokyoska Kelly7619 Kamala 2024·11·28 1:28:13 pm
Olones Buccaneer exoticpett 2024·11·26 1:19:22 pm
aloneinshadow Palen Cale 2024·06·24 1:05:09 pm
Kalevala8 kandre358 2024·04·25 8:58:54 pm
Lion Ravenhurst KirstenMaebh 2024·03·18 1:03:45 pm
Rayn432124 Lemondrop SilasRafferty 2024·03·05 8:20:49 am
NaToth sarah Schonberg 2023·05·09 2:06:29 pm
Agath Avon Palen Cale 2022·10·24 1:54:18 pm


Player Date
aloneinshadow 2025·02·15 12:42:44 am
aloneinshadow 2025·02·15 12:42:30 am
aloneinshadow 2025·02·15 12:42:21 am
aloneinshadow 2025·01·29 12:29:23 pm
exoticpett 2025·01·23 3:29:29 am
Morrigancalhoun 2023·09·23 5:06:54 am
Morrigancalhoun 2023·09·23 5:06:49 am
Morrigancalhoun 2023·09·23 5:06:46 am
Allerd 2023·08·16 5:40:51 am
Maretak Masala 2023·07·10 12:04:47 pm


Killer Victim Date
- - -


Aider Aided Date
- - -


# Stealer Victim State Date
nJ29gktf... Singh Tokyoska Kelly7619 Kamala Completed 2024·11·28 1:29:11 pm
yhq6Mjnt... Olones Buccaneer exoticpett Completed 2024·11·26 1:20:18 pm
h4xLkMqY... katie Opaline archipius Completed 2024·05·15 12:55:02 pm
cbzqZLQD... Nerezzya sarah Schonberg Completed 2022·09·15 1:22:00 pm
MDYBKjzr... SilentAngelOfTheNight XRUthlessOutlawX Completed 2022·01·18 7:17:34 pm
Q9gFvbH2... Palen Cale Castor Serpente Completed 2021·12·19 2:16:36 pm
jHvmxJXG... Alexandra Olsonne MaCro Lexington Completed 2021·09·03 2:31:57 am
9TPxLDtM... Alexandra Olsonne Barbanegra Requiem Completed 2021·09·03 2:30:58 am
qVkM3xXW... Alexandra Olsonne Barbanegra Requiem Completed 2021·08·31 2:47:51 am
Kk6LTrwB... Alexandra Olsonne MaCro Lexington Completed 2021·08·31 2:46:53 am