


Registered 2017-10-08 10:52:06
K/D 1.02:1
Binds 1.76:1
Bandages 1:1.01

Tula ιgиєυѕ ℛuℵτЄƦ

FC secondlife:///app/agent/91c50da3-d274-4979-926b-9b75a0c7b7e8/about

feel free to join my DJ Group in my profile x x

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mjy6D37IXU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvSO4sP5yGs



  • Fantastic Five
    You're in the big leagues now. (500xp)
  • Banker
    You're now officially the elite. (100xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Combat Medic
    Finally you're good at something. (100xp)
  • The Mummy Returns
    Somehow you manage to spend most of your time bound. (25xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Could You Knot?
    I couldn't spin this one, sorry. (100xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Gro Vortex (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:13:21 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Gro Vortex (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:12:45 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
BadHoney (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:11:50 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
jesusdaltons TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:10:54 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) NoirDesir99 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 12:30:39 pm Topanga Canyon
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) NoirDesir99 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 12:30:21 pm Topanga Canyon
OoopsychobitchooO (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 12:29:31 pm Topanga Canyon
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Serenity Nemerower (Topanga Canyon) 12:28:06 pm Topanga Canyon
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) NoirDesir99 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 12:23:29 pm Topanga Canyon

TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Assilio Vollmar 2:12:55 pm Topanga Canyon
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Assilio Vollmar 2:11:43 pm Topanga Canyon
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) monguzzi (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:01:34 pm Topanga Canyon
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) monguzzi (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:54:21 pm Topanga Canyon
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Qahhar (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:46:02 pm Topanga Canyon
Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:10:48 pm Marsh Wood Pirates

TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) BadHoney (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:59:25 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) eratostenea (Village of Gimli) 1:58:01 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) BadHoney (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:57:33 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) BadHoney (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:52:37 pm Village of Gimli
hendow2015 (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:51:07 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Qahhar (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:50:27 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:47:46 pm Village of Gimli
PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:47:38 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Qahhar (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:44:38 pm Village of Gimli
PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:44:13 pm Village of Gimli
Batsu Kamachi (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:36:23 pm Village of Gimli
BadHoney (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:34:08 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) monguzzi (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:31:14 pm Village of Gimli
monguzzi (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:30:56 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) BadHoney (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:27:44 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) hendow2015 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:22:56 pm Village of Gimli
Qahhar (Marsh Wood Pirates) TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:22:15 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:15:52 pm Village of Gimli

TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Aion Ethaniel (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:10:10 pm Village of Gimli
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) Aion Ethaniel (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:09:26 pm Village of Gimli