


Registered 2018-02-05 06:28:21
K/D 1:1.57
Binds 1:3.75
Bandages 1:1.37

Misty Thunder

Panther Girl Barbie

My 5' 7" seems short? It is because you are too tall:
https://pennycow.blogspot.com/2011/07/matter-of-scale.html The Misogynistic WAR on FEMININITY:
Why the traditional feminine role needs to be appreciated:
https://altcensored.com/watch?v=PulfEkq4NkI https://www.bitchute.com/video/ML7ct8a53Sre/ Attractive body shapes:
https://pennycow.blogspot.com/2011/08/matter-of-proportion.html https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201207/eternal-curves https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/nutrition-greats/weston-a-price-dds/ If you want your female body to be shaped like this RL one:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyqc5wy1dhk I have a notecard I can give you about it.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)



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SkySunwalker (Gates of Despair) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:45:48 pm Tharna City
hamdy777 mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:43:30 pm Tharna City
millakatecastigata (Valkyrie Forest) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:41:53 pm Tharna City
Cutibae (Gates of Despair) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:38:03 pm Tharna City
Keymosabi Voxel (TORCA) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:35:15 pm Tharna City
Cutibae (Gates of Despair) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:33:49 pm Tharna City

PJ Blackheart mistythunder 1:52:57 pm Jungle of Sin
Alexposition mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:27:55 pm Valkyrie Forest
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beth Sheryffe mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:19:26 pm Valkyrie Forest
tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 1:15:07 pm Valkyrie Forest
mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) GudinneBuduhenna (Valkyrie Forest) 12:57:29 pm Valkyrie Forest

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LilBrattyk (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 5:35:52 pm Valkyrie Forest
LilBrattyk (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 5:33:44 pm Valkyrie Forest
AshleyJo mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 5:33:41 pm Valkyrie Forest
LilBrattyk (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 5:31:37 pm Valkyrie Forest
AshleyJo mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 5:31:35 pm Valkyrie Forest
LilBrattyk (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) 5:27:11 pm Valkyrie Forest

mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) Menander Blaisdale 12:11:53 pm Valkyrie Forest
mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) zabeya (The Lakes) 12:09:46 pm Valkyrie Forest
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mistythunder (Valkyrie Forest) zabeya (The Lakes) 11:43:03 am Valkyrie Forest
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