
Captured Region Date
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Attacker Region Date
Screw Ordinary Home of the Unks 2022·03·05 2:06:42 pm
Tyat Dark Sword Outlaw (Owner Orlando Burgess) 2022·03·03 3:02:59 pm
Warrscythe Dismantled Reavers of Var 2022·03·01 2:50:55 pm
Raizo Takeda Reavers of Var 2022·03·01 2:44:02 pm
Raizo Takeda Dark Sword Outlaw (Owner Orlando Burgess) 2022·02·21 1:57:23 pm
Flower Blossom Home of the Unks 2022·02·21 11:10:30 am
Envy Baar Argentum Mines 2022·02·20 4:04:13 pm
Armando Darkheart Home of the Unks 2022·02·20 3:01:23 pm
Martinka11 Home of the Unks 2022·02·20 2:48:18 pm
Samanta Soulstar Home of the Unks 2022·02·20 2:33:37 pm


Bound Region Date
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Binder Region Date
Warrscythe Dismantled Home of the Unks 2022·03·05 2:09:39 pm
Dirtee Spot Home of the Unks 2022·02·21 11:12:09 am
Martinka11 Home of the Unks 2022·02·20 3:02:40 pm
Menagerie Bayn Argentum Mines 2022·02·11 6:18:50 pm
Warrscythe Dismantled Dark Sword Outlaw (Owner Orlando Burgess) 2022·02·11 5:16:35 pm
Apollo Nemeth Argentum Mines 2022·01·16 7:11:34 pm


Region Date
Blackwater Mers 2020·11·28 2:40:35 am


Killer Victim Date
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