Teylu Ferrer



Registered 2018-01-01 21:57:37
K/D 1:1.83
Binds 1.9:1
Bandages 1.24:1

Teylu Ferrer

Wears a spoon, throwing rocks, and blowdart


Teylu Ferrer does not belong to any groups.


Teylu Ferrer has not earned any achievements.



Teylu Ferrer LiLDesire Destiny 1:06:10 pm Isle of Scagnar
Teylu Ferrer zmeu10 1:05:41 pm Isle of Scagnar
Teylu Ferrer xena7777 1:03:18 pm Isle of Scagnar
Teylu Ferrer Naja Yazimoto 1:03:02 pm Isle of Scagnar

Teylu Ferrer Naja Yazimoto 6:14:28 pm The Dark Merc's
Teylu Ferrer Naja Yazimoto 5:44:09 pm The Dark Merc's
Teylu Ferrer emayay 5:41:18 pm The Dark Merc's
emayay Teylu Ferrer 5:41:14 pm The Dark Merc's

Teylu Ferrer Rohethin 9:14:11 pm Turian Nights
Teylu Ferrer TalibahSiddiqah 9:13:15 pm Turian Nights
Teylu Ferrer zipkick Magic 9:12:29 pm Turian Nights
Teylu Ferrer Rohethin 9:11:52 pm Turian Nights
Teylu Ferrer TalibahSiddiqah 9:11:35 pm Turian Nights
Teylu Ferrer zipkick Magic 9:10:46 pm Turian Nights
Valerio Tiponi Teylu Ferrer 8:39:55 pm The Dark Merc's
Hypr Nova Teylu Ferrer 8:37:55 pm The Dark Merc's

Teylu Ferrer entarotassadar 4:22:14 pm Skerry of Einar
Teylu Ferrer SirTrickster 3:29:06 pm The Dark Merc's
Teylu Ferrer Naja Yazimoto 3:28:41 pm The Dark Merc's
Teylu Ferrer joeking McMahon 3:28:33 pm The Dark Merc's
Super Chiwanga Teylu Ferrer 3:28:12 pm The Dark Merc's
Super Chiwanga Chantelle Cloud 3:27:26 pm The Dark Merc's
Teylu Ferrer joeking McMahon 3:26:59 pm The Dark Merc's
joeking McMahon SirTrickster 3:26:36 pm The Dark Merc's
Naja Yazimoto Teylu Ferrer 3:25:47 pm The Dark Merc's
BryanMcDowell Teylu Ferrer 3:18:12 pm The Dark Merc's
Nephirye Teylu Ferrer 3:11:57 pm The Dark Merc's

JamesCulum Teylu Ferrer 7:10:38 pm Volsung
CharlieGrimsWattsson Teylu Ferrer 7:06:32 pm Volsung
Teylu Ferrer CharlieGrimsWattsson 7:06:32 pm Volsung
Teylu Ferrer CharlieGrimsWattsson 6:53:47 pm Volsung
Teylu Ferrer alexnyc 6:53:22 pm Volsung
eagletigershark Teylu Ferrer 6:52:12 pm Volsung
Daciah Teylu Ferrer 6:48:25 pm Volsung
Someones Littlething Teylu Ferrer 6:43:57 pm Volsung