
星 Star 星


Registered 2020-12-11 00:59:58
K/D 1:3.83
Binds 1:1.68
Bandages 1.06:1



  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 5:37:26 pm Mirkwood Forest

StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 5:33:42 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 5:32:45 pm Mirkwood Forest

Yuritzo (Argentum Mines) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:25:27 pm Mirkwood Forest
Mogunge (Argentum Mines) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:22:43 pm Mirkwood Forest

shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 12:43:38 pm Mirkwood Forest
anarmofgod (Gates of Despair) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 12:41:11 pm Mirkwood Forest

StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) Echoscreams (Topanga Canyon) 7:23:47 pm Mirkwood Forest
Echoscreams (Topanga Canyon) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 7:23:30 pm Mirkwood Forest
nightdr3am StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 7:17:53 pm Mirkwood Forest
LunaWolfe StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:38:43 pm Mirkwood Forest
LunaWolfe StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:37:11 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 6:22:30 pm Mirkwood Forest
Necha Sabretooth StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:10:51 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 6:10:50 pm Mirkwood Forest
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:09:40 pm Mirkwood Forest
LunaWolfe StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:06:07 pm Mirkwood Forest
Katarina Smithson (Mirkwood Forest) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 5:44:49 pm Mirkwood Forest

StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 5:51:57 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 5:51:12 pm Mirkwood Forest

StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 6:50:34 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 6:46:55 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 6:42:01 pm Mirkwood Forest
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:29:31 pm Mirkwood Forest
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:28:41 pm Mirkwood Forest
Devilish Core (Topanga Canyon) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:26:46 pm Mirkwood Forest
Robin Dancer StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:26:38 pm Mirkwood Forest
Echoscreams (Village of Gimli) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:25:02 pm Mirkwood Forest
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:25:01 pm Mirkwood Forest
Sulkadahl (Topanga Canyon) StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:23:20 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) Robin Dancer 6:17:55 pm Mirkwood Forest
Robin Dancer StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) 6:17:55 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) Robin Dancer 6:15:56 pm Mirkwood Forest

StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 7:23:09 pm Mirkwood Forest
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) Ringstrue (Mirkwood Forest) 7:16:29 pm Mirkwood Forest