Necha Sabretooth

Sprite Dancer


Registered 2018-05-13 00:54:53
K/D 1:3.14
Binds 1:4.07
Bandages 1.03:1

Sprite Dancer

Dont tease me about my name sprite or say im or my wife robin is a slut or unfaithfull If you cant be kind leave me alone im at my limit rl and in sl be kind or go away. Scince i am not giving rollplay and ignored offten dont expect me to be bubbly chearfull, I am tired of back stabers
like me for me or go away Lifes to short to deal with morons

yes they are Hard limits
no rp i port in 30 mins

no rollplay with Tiny Bitey as shes an arougant bitch


Necha Sabretooth does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)



Necha Sabretooth Halfas Nightfire 6:35:01 pm Mirkwood Forest
Necha Sabretooth Halfas Nightfire 6:33:08 pm Mirkwood Forest

AdomSisko Necha Sabretooth 6:07:43 pm Secret Bay
AdomSisko Necha Sabretooth 6:06:05 pm Secret Bay

Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) Necha Sabretooth 6:08:09 pm Argentum Mines
Sonny Homebuilder (WTF Outlaws) Necha Sabretooth 6:06:10 pm Argentum Mines
Rian Marjeta (Argentum Mines) Necha Sabretooth 6:02:18 pm Argentum Mines
Tobie Boa (Argentum Mines) Necha Sabretooth 5:59:57 pm Argentum Mines
Necha Sabretooth SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 5:54:04 pm Argentum Mines
Necha Sabretooth Rian Marjeta (Argentum Mines) 5:52:50 pm Argentum Mines
Rian Marjeta (Argentum Mines) Necha Sabretooth 5:52:42 pm Argentum Mines
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:48:22 pm Argentum Mines
Necha Sabretooth SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 5:48:20 pm Argentum Mines
Rian Marjeta (Argentum Mines) Necha Sabretooth 5:32:07 pm Mirkwood Forest
Rian Marjeta (Argentum Mines) Necha Sabretooth 5:30:04 pm Mirkwood Forest
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:25:50 pm Mirkwood Forest
Ringstrue (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:14:56 pm Mirkwood Forest
Ringstrue (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:13:33 pm Mirkwood Forest
Ringstrue (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:13:00 pm Mirkwood Forest
Ringstrue (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:12:30 pm Mirkwood Forest
Ringstrue (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:12:07 pm Mirkwood Forest
Necha Sabretooth Ringstrue (Mirkwood Forest) 5:08:35 pm Mirkwood Forest

Evemorrow (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 1:36:45 pm Mirkwood Forest

Robin Dancer Necha Sabretooth 6:28:50 pm Mirkwood Forest
Necha Sabretooth Robin Dancer 6:25:49 pm Mirkwood Forest
ChazHunter Necha Sabretooth 6:20:09 pm Mirkwood Forest

Necha Sabretooth dodo8080 12:33:53 pm Dani's Forest and Nort...

Necha Sabretooth Francesca Nakamura 5:36:20 pm Mirkwood Forest

HackerrGirl (Valkyrie Forest) Necha Sabretooth 6:58:44 pm Mirkwood Forest
HackerrGirl (Valkyrie Forest) Necha Sabretooth 6:55:59 pm Mirkwood Forest

Giana Edenflower Necha Sabretooth 5:54:48 pm Mirkwood Forest
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:53:36 pm Mirkwood Forest
FamousPython Necha Sabretooth 5:50:26 pm Mirkwood Forest
Katarina Smithson (Mirkwood Forest) Necha Sabretooth 5:48:22 pm Mirkwood Forest

Necha Sabretooth SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 7:39:35 pm Mirkwood Forest