Nicholas Eel



Registered 2017-06-12 15:37:49
K/D 1:11
Binds N/A
Bandages 1:6

Nicholas Eel


Former Sais Administrator (4 years)
Owner of the Eel Slaving Company
Former Elder & Senior Advisor to the Sais Ubar
Former Head of Sais Scribe Caste, (6+ years)
Former HOC Scribes, Vonda, 6 months
Former Tentium Administrator in Tyros (2 years)
Instructor & Creator of Gorean Philosophy Classes (5 years)
SL Limits: No perm RP death, no male-to-male, NO ACTIION WITH ANYONE UNDER age 18.


Nicholas Eel does not belong to any groups.


  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)



Castor69 Nicholas Eel 6:04:46 pm City of Turmus
Billiebelle Nicholas Eel 6:01:14 pm City of Turmus
RK Bonetto Nicholas Eel 5:55:18 pm City of Turmus
XandraDyson Nicholas Eel 5:41:49 pm City of Turmus
Lysander Tyran Nicholas Eel 5:32:48 pm City of Turmus
Lysander Tyran Nicholas Eel 5:32:26 pm City of Turmus
Senthroth Nicholas Eel 5:31:18 pm City of Turmus

GypsyRose Silverfall (Village of Tarns Rest) Nicholas Eel 5:35:52 pm Sais Village
GypsyRose Silverfall (Village of Tarns Rest) Nicholas Eel 5:34:34 pm Sais Village

Artan Xaris Nicholas Eel 4:49:53 pm Sais Village
Artan Xaris Nicholas Eel 4:47:40 pm Sais Village

Xavier361 (Ryu's Ridge) Nicholas Eel 4:56:19 pm Sais Village
Dark Kegel (Ryu's Ridge) Nicholas Eel 4:44:28 pm Sais Village
ven0m3d (Ryu's Ridge) Nicholas Eel 4:42:09 pm Sais Village
Drakon420 (Ryu's Ridge) Nicholas Eel 4:31:37 pm Sais Village
Xavier361 (Ryu's Ridge) Nicholas Eel 4:29:34 pm Sais Village

GypsyRose Silverfall (Village of Tarns Rest) Nicholas Eel 5:41:47 pm Sais Village
GypsyRose Silverfall (Village of Tarns Rest) Nicholas Eel 5:41:23 pm Sais Village
GypsyRose Silverfall (Village of Tarns Rest) Nicholas Eel 5:39:51 pm Sais Village

FR13NDS (Ravandal Fjord) Nicholas Eel 2:51:33 pm Sais Village
FR13NDS (Ravandal Fjord) Nicholas Eel 2:48:14 pm Sais Village
OneDaringAlicia Nicholas Eel 2:44:22 pm Sais Village
Nicholas Eel Voodoo Darkheart 2:43:41 pm Sais Village
Nicholas Eel Prestor Peridot 2:43:29 pm Sais Village
devotina32 Nicholas Eel 2:37:50 pm Sais Village

Lucisfer Morningstar (Sais Village) Nicholas Eel 4:52:42 pm Sais Village
Senthroth Nicholas Eel 4:48:53 pm Sais Village
Senthroth Nicholas Eel 4:38:55 pm Sais Village

Lyorr Nicholas Eel 5:04:02 pm Sais Village

JackThorton Nicholas Eel 5:57:55 pm Sais Village
ZaneHavoc Nicholas Eel 5:37:12 pm Sais Village
Igor Rechkalov Nicholas Eel 5:34:12 pm Sais Village

Nicholas Eel Kail Lefevre 5:47:16 pm Sais Village
Nicholas Eel Kail Lefevre 5:46:48 pm Sais Village

Victor Warilard Nicholas Eel 6:01:54 pm Sais Village