Neo India



Registered 2018-04-16 22:19:22
K/D 1:10.8
Binds 1:1.92
Bandages 1:2.17


A Gorean Story. Neo spits on his hands and grabs his dirty axe, ready to cut the next tree. The Gorean woodcutter is somekinda cheeky. Low caste, rude and gross; that's his usual stuff. All the while he had some fun with a merry band of outlaws. Capped, he managed to escape, and now seeking for new adventures, he is back at thievery. eventually...


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Laica Forcella Neo India 1:19:39 am Secret Bay

Katekieto (Secret Bay) Neo India 7:36:20 am Secret Paradise

muschi Citron Neo India 12:33:16 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi

Isolde Bethune (Jungles of Ushindi) Neo India 7:36:56 am Jungles of Ushindi
sumantaray1986 Neo India 1:58:56 am Lost Ruins of Schendi

EtainOg Neo India 8:42:33 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi

EtainOg Neo India 6:36:33 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi

EtainOg Neo India 9:37:35 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi

MaryLouLee (Lost Ruins of Schendi) Neo India 8:38:42 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi
MaryLouLee (Lost Ruins of Schendi) Neo India 8:38:06 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi

MaryLouLee (Lost Ruins of Schendi) Neo India 1:54:36 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi
MaryLouLee (Lost Ruins of Schendi) Neo India 1:51:30 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi
damonia Pedalo Neo India 11:35:58 am Lost Ruins of Schendi

EtainOg Neo India 9:27:08 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi
TonyBallard (Trigger Reef) Neo India 9:13:12 am Lost Ruins of Schendi

miriam Arabello Neo India 10:21:33 am Lost Ruins of Schendi

Princescahottie (Mirkwood Forest) Neo India 11:13:17 am Mirkwood Forest

FemkeLinchen Neo India 9:30:49 am Lost Ruins of Schendi

damonia Pedalo Neo India 1:16:30 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi

Gotho Cuttita (Vosk Morass) Neo India 11:20:17 pm Topanga Canyon

Jesssicag Neo India 7:41:29 pm Dani's Band / Troth (Tia)
Jesssicag Neo India 7:39:33 pm Dani's Band / Troth (Tia)

Jesssicag Neo India 6:48:30 pm Dani's Band / Troth (Tia)
Jesssicag Neo India 6:47:16 pm Dani's Band / Troth (Tia)

cuteypixie (Jungles of Ushindi) Neo India 9:59:16 am Dani's Band / Troth (Tia)
Neo India Neo India 9:57:30 am Dani's Band / Troth (Tia)

Neo India Neo India 9:50:58 am Dani's Band / Troth (Tia)

Jesssicag Neo India 9:10:24 pm Vosk Morass

CuddlyPuppy21 Resident Neo India 2:33:09 pm Siba
CuddlyPuppy21 Resident Neo India 2:32:04 pm Siba
H3adhunt3rZ (Black Corsairs) Neo India 2:14:42 pm Talender Moon~ SANDFEL...
H3adhunt3rZ (Black Corsairs) Neo India 2:14:39 pm Talender Moon~ SANDFEL...
Allerd Resident Neo India 2:12:13 pm Talender Moon~ SANDFEL...
Drowning Neo India 1:51:08 pm Secret Bay
Allerd Resident Neo India 1:49:10 pm Secret Bay