
Sir Nicholas


Registered 2018-04-07 20:15:54
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Bandages N/A

Sir Nicholas

Nebuchadnezzer does not have a bio.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Vitallinae2021 Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 11:15:55 am Village of Gimli
Vitallinae2021 Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 11:14:34 am Village of Gimli
Vitallinae2021 Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 10:59:16 am Village of Gimli
Vitallinae2021 Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 10:57:54 am Village of Gimli

PeachyCream Beverly (Dark Sword Outlaws) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:58:10 pm Argentum Mines
MissyBunny Gloom (The_Warlord) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:54:58 pm Argentum Mines
MissyBunny Gloom (The_Warlord) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:51:14 pm Argentum Mines
lacas Adamczyk Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:45:09 pm Argentum Mines
Kitsune Fluffington (Village of Gimli) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:44:49 pm Argentum Mines
Drive2 (Argentum Mines) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:43:31 pm Argentum Mines
Kitsune Fluffington (Village of Gimli) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:43:10 pm Argentum Mines
Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:38:30 pm Argentum Mines
MrFixit4u (The_Warlord) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:37:16 pm Argentum Mines
Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:35:41 pm Argentum Mines
Chaos Diesel Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:30:53 pm Argentum Mines
Her Quack (Village of Gimli) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:28:21 pm Argentum Mines
Gearin (The_Warlord) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 6:24:41 pm Argentum Mines

pyxistyx Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 1:37:19 am Village of Gimli
pyxistyx Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 1:30:44 am Village of Gimli
SomberAngel (Trigger Reef) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 1:22:42 am Village of Gimli
Romeo Darcy Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 1:17:36 am Village of Gimli
Romeo Darcy Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 1:13:21 am Village of Gimli

Morrigancalhoun (Village of Gimli) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 10:51:50 pm Village of Gimli
Morrigancalhoun (Village of Gimli) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 10:51:15 pm Village of Gimli
Raizo Takeda (The Alar) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 10:49:28 pm Village of Gimli
Raizo Takeda (The Alar) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 10:48:38 pm Village of Gimli
Fara Quintessa Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 9:16:05 pm Village of Gimli
AnocNaco (DSO) Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 9:12:56 pm Village of Gimli

Nebuchadnezzer Resident Nebuchadnezzer (Secret Bay) 9:45:47 pm Valkyrie Forest

Rikki Falworth (Port Falworth) Nebuchadnezzer 2:33:15 pm Port Falworth
KiraCurare Resident Nebuchadnezzer 1:22:50 pm Port Falworth
KiraCurare Resident Nebuchadnezzer 1:21:42 pm Port Falworth