
Captured Region Date
DamienLaFave Village of Gimli 2023·11·27 12:44:05 am
Sable Greenwood Topanga Canyon 2023·11·19 9:36:40 pm
Judas Exonar Topanga Canyon 2023·11·19 9:22:46 pm
Greenfiresolar Secret Bay 2023·11·14 2:11:31 pm
Adio Magic Village of Gimli 2023·11·12 6:11:07 pm
Sable Greenwood Topanga Canyon 2023·11·01 12:32:43 am
Sabina Demonia Topanga Canyon 2023·11·01 12:32:34 am
Chin Qaven Topanga Canyon 2023·11·01 12:32:29 am
Judas Exonar Topanga Canyon 2023·11·01 12:32:16 am
psychoticpony Topanga Canyon 2023·11·01 12:32:04 am


Attacker Region Date
littleblackkittycat1979 Topanga Canyon 2024·12·10 4:27:50 pm
Marjani Tracer Topanga Canyon 2024·12·08 4:37:19 pm
MiracleMyth Topanga Canyon 2024·12·08 4:32:12 pm
littleblackkittycat1979 Topanga Canyon 2024·12·08 4:26:41 pm
Sulkadahl Topanga Canyon 2024·12·05 10:37:10 pm
Renee Billig Village of Gimli 2024·08·06 2:38:59 pm
Mac Takeda Topanga Canyon 2024·08·06 2:22:55 pm
Mac Takeda Topanga Canyon 2024·08·06 2:17:42 pm
Raizo Takeda Topanga Canyon 2024·08·06 2:12:37 pm
Batsu Kamachi Siba 2024·08·06 1:27:49 pm


Bound Region Date
Danielle008 Dani's Forest and Northern Outpost 2024·08·06 12:38:11 pm
BlackWolf Torok Dani's Forest and Northern Outpost 2024·06·29 2:09:09 pm
JackCorsaires Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northern Forest & Laurius River~BtB Gor 2024·04·01 1:34:45 pm
JackCorsaires Summer Cove 2024·03·25 12:47:20 pm
JackCorsaires Topanga Canyon 2024·03·11 2:20:49 pm
julieredshadow Siba 2024·03·11 1:32:41 pm
JackCorsaires Village of Gimli 2024·02·24 1:37:42 pm
JackCorsaires Village of Gimli 2024·02·24 12:27:16 pm
XDTHUNDERXD Siba 2024·01·21 9:02:07 pm
Adio Magic Village of Gimli 2023·11·12 6:49:18 pm


Binder Region Date
Sulkadahl Topanga Canyon 2024·12·05 10:39:26 pm
Renee Billig Village of Gimli 2024·08·06 2:40:39 pm
nomodan Valkyrie Forest 2024·08·06 12:04:35 am
Adaginna Voxel Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·07 4:29:58 pm
GudinneBuduhenna Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·06 4:58:12 pm
GudinneBuduhenna Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·06 12:29:34 pm
AnnekaTwice Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·05 1:40:15 pm
JackCorsaires Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northern Forest & Laurius River~BtB Gor 2024·04·01 1:34:45 pm
JackCorsaires Summer Cove 2024·03·25 12:47:20 pm
Gro Vortex Black Corsairs 2024·03·20 2:52:14 pm


Region Date
Valkyrie Forest 2024·08·20 1:36:07 am
FN Island 2023·12·28 11:18:37 pm
Black Corsairs 2023·11·19 8:59:08 pm
Village of Gimli 2023·09·18 10:52:51 am
Secret Bay 2023·08·31 8:17:10 pm
Rum Runners Cove 2023·05·24 5:36:17 pm
Village of Gimli 2023·05·10 6:54:17 pm


Killer Victim Date
pyxistyx JackCorsaires 2023·11·27 12:58:57 am