
♥ Izzie ♥ ♥ Take what you need ♥


Registered 2020-01-09 03:15:23
K/D 1:14
Binds 1:2
Bandages 1:1.53


I am Bi, a submissive at heart and free to be with others if they wish (no owner at the moment). Service is a chore to some, but to a rare few, like me, it's bliss. I do lean more towards my enjoyable lesbian side though.

Yes I do escort as well on the odd occassion, on certain escort sims ... ask me for my rates if you're interested

If I've just logged on, please give me a little bit of time before IMing me or know that I probably won't respond back straight away and might take a little bit to get back to you

((And thank you so much to the beautiful, lovely and talented Amanda Morgan for the profile pic!!!!))

** Please note I do not voice - EVER ... this is now a hard limit for me, no matter who is asking **


Port Kar BTB


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) nono2613amidala Citron (Marsh Wood Pirates) 3:12:12 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) 3:11:21 pm Village of Gimli
Simona Socke IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 3:09:43 pm Village of Gimli
tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 3:07:50 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Devilish Core 3:06:19 pm Village of Gimli

eratostenea (Village of Gimli) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 6:31:27 pm Village of Gimli
eratostenea (Village of Gimli) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 6:27:33 pm Village of Gimli
Okimi Xue IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 6:20:49 pm Village of Gimli
Okimi Xue IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 6:10:48 pm Village of Gimli
Devilish Core IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 6:07:38 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) eratostenea (Village of Gimli) 5:36:23 pm Village of Gimli
eratostenea (Village of Gimli) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:36:05 pm Village of Gimli
Kive3n IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:26:43 pm Village of Gimli
Kive3n Resident IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:25:37 pm Village of Gimli
MiracleMyth (Topanga Canyon) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:23:37 pm Village of Gimli

IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Okimi Xue 5:10:56 pm Village of Gimli
Lo0na Lysette IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 4:57:03 pm Village of Gimli
adessotoccate IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 4:53:34 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Echoscreams (Village of Gimli) 4:51:52 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Echoscreams (Village of Gimli) 4:51:45 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Echoscreams (Village of Gimli) 4:50:00 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Devilish Core 4:48:08 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Echoscreams (Village of Gimli) 4:47:45 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Echoscreams (Village of Gimli) 4:47:16 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Devilish Core 4:35:28 pm Village of Gimli
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) KatePalermo 4:34:06 pm Village of Gimli

Medusa Avora (Siba) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 2:13:22 pm Siba
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 2:09:24 pm Siba
BadHoney (Argentum Mines) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 2:07:50 pm Siba
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) 2:07:19 pm Siba
InfinityHeaven (Siba) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 1:59:46 pm Siba
IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) Morrigancalhoun (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 1:55:58 pm Siba
Morrigancalhoun (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 1:54:01 pm Siba
Morrigancalhoun (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 1:53:38 pm Siba
PinnOne (Argentum Mines) IsabelorIzzy (Mirkwood Forest) 1:52:22 pm Siba