Ian Cisse

Leon Made Me Cheat


Registered 2017-03-16 09:41:42
K/D 2.09:1
Binds 2.6:1
Bandages 1:1.11

Iαn Cısse

JSun Castellum (jsun3): aye thats how we do...bros forever...



  • Dexterous
    Are you going to pay tax on that? (100xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)



Ian Cisse (The Alar) fernandotorres1 6:27:14 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) 6:26:55 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) 6:26:41 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) PinnOne 6:25:10 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Pocahontas Bigboots 6:24:42 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Tobie Boa (Argentum Mines) 6:21:46 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Drive2 6:16:58 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) fernandotorres1 6:02:42 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Pocahontas Bigboots 5:52:36 pm Nixheim
Envy Baar (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 5:52:13 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) 5:43:38 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Drive2 5:43:31 pm Nixheim
Envy Baar (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 5:39:51 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) fernandotorres1 5:38:21 pm Nixheim
Paine Voxel (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 5:37:46 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) MeiYuki Suisei (Argentum Mines) 5:35:48 pm Nixheim
Envy Baar (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 5:35:24 pm Nixheim

Ian Cisse (The Alar) Envy Baar (Nixheim) 3:30:46 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Envy Baar (Nixheim) 3:30:01 pm Nixheim
kyrandra (Isles of Tira) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 1:25:15 pm Nixheim
Ladyesmay (Outskirts of Sardar) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 1:22:51 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Megan Winterfeld (Isles of Tira) 1:22:42 pm Nixheim
Envy Baar (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 1:09:41 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Sonny Homebuilder 1:01:30 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Envy Baar (Nixheim) 1:00:41 pm Nixheim
RaihanChy (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 12:58:05 pm Nixheim
RaihanChy (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 12:53:21 pm Nixheim
Envy Baar (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 12:50:34 pm Nixheim

Ian Cisse (The Alar) Riott Dismantled 4:20:14 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Chantelle Cloud (Dark Sword Outlaws) 4:13:37 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Lion Ravenhurst 4:12:46 pm Nixheim
Envy Baar (Nixheim) Ian Cisse (The Alar) 4:12:36 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Chantelle Cloud (Dark Sword Outlaws) 4:12:24 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Envy Baar (Nixheim) 4:11:50 pm Nixheim
Ian Cisse (The Alar) Jennifer Lethdetter 4:11:49 pm Nixheim