
Captured Region Date
Menander Blaisdale Thentis Mountain Road 2023·05·15 12:43:00 pm
Menander Blaisdale Isle Of Haven 2023·01·27 1:12:45 pm
HEXINA Drasilova Valkyrie Forest 2022·07·08 5:53:03 pm
sorawar Mirkwood Forest 2022·07·07 11:48:51 am
Miyuki Nightingale Village of Gimli 2022·02·20 10:04:46 am
Rahana2 zima Ak'am, ice Fang, Tharna Silver Road 2021·06·28 1:52:19 am
TodesRose zima Ak'am, ice Fang, Tharna Silver Road 2021·06·28 1:31:47 am
Peaches Lionheart Serena Whispering Dreams 2018·07·25 12:44:28 pm
lusty Loudwater Serena Whispering Dreams 2018·07·25 12:42:25 pm
Peaches Lionheart Serena Whispering Dreams 2018·07·25 12:39:19 pm


Attacker Region Date
Elzbieta98 Secret Bay 2023·09·23 6:54:22 am
Raven Acajou Tharna City 2023·08·31 12:05:38 pm
Lorilei McCullough Village of Gimli 2023·08·26 4:48:12 pm
Manwa Pastorelli Northern Forest & The Laurius - Shiva Sa'ng Sar 2023·08·20 7:11:49 am
DragonFate Valkyrie Forest 2023·01·29 11:24:23 am
TodesRose Ki Kara Panthers / Dorf Halin 2022·11·03 1:46:40 pm
xmystiquebeautyx The Ruins 2022·08·22 11:35:31 am
bloodwolfe1996 Tharna City 2022·08·22 9:52:12 am
makhail Dragovar Tharna City 2022·08·22 9:37:24 am
SomberAngel Secret Bay 2022·08·21 12:49:37 pm


Bound Region Date
Geeva Acer Village of Gimli 2023·08·26 4:53:17 pm
Geeva Acer Northern Forest & The Laurius - Shiva Sa'ng Sar 2023·08·20 7:17:01 am
Menander Blaisdale Isle Of Haven 2023·01·27 1:14:17 pm
Geeva Acer Ki Kara Panthers / Dorf Halin 2022·11·09 11:01:27 am
Geeva Acer Mirkwood Forest 2022·07·07 1:23:57 pm
TodesRose zima Ak'am, ice Fang, Tharna Silver Road 2021·06·28 1:33:37 am
Geeva Acer City of Thentis 2019·03·10 11:17:34 am
Geeva Acer City of Thentis 2019·02·20 2:58:30 pm
Geeva Acer The Village of Kailiauk 2018·08·22 3:13:23 pm
Geeva Acer The Village of Kailiauk 2018·08·22 3:07:07 pm


Binder Region Date
Elzbieta98 Secret Bay 2023·09·23 6:55:27 am
Raven Acajou Tharna City 2023·08·31 12:06:45 pm
Geeva Acer Village of Gimli 2023·08·26 4:53:17 pm
Geeva Acer Northern Forest & The Laurius - Shiva Sa'ng Sar 2023·08·20 7:17:01 am
Geeva Acer Ki Kara Panthers / Dorf Halin 2022·11·09 11:01:27 am
TodesRose Ki Kara Panthers / Dorf Halin 2022·11·03 1:49:32 pm
xmystiquebeautyx The Ruins 2022·08·22 11:36:36 am
bloodwolfe1996 Tharna City 2022·08·22 9:40:47 am
SomberAngel Secret Bay 2022·08·21 12:50:43 pm
Europa Aeon Tharna City 2022·08·13 7:09:24 am


Region Date
The Alar 2025·03·02 2:43:03 pm
The Village of New Ar 2023·05·10 11:24:42 am
Isle Of Haven 2022·09·17 11:53:29 am


Killer Victim Date
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