Gabriella Silverpath

Sweet and Innocent


Registered 2019-06-13 16:29:48
K/D 1:1.3
Binds 1:1.12
Bandages 1.07:1

Gabriella Silverpath

Loved & Missed, " Knight & Cindy in Picks Tab"

* Stay IC, We Give Permission to play Gor fully by entering a Sim!

* I come to play IC not discuss play in IM or have playe ruined by ooc comments I am strict on this because years have shown me play for me at least is ruined by OOC Questions there for i ignore IMs while role playing and ask that no one ask me questions over rp thank you for reading


Gabriella Silverpath does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Easy Way Out
    Don't you feel special. (-50xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Gabriella Silverpath tequilamaya (The Lost City) 9:46:39 pm Summer Cove

JeremiahBrawns Gabriella Silverpath 12:18:20 am Mirkwood Forest

Gabriella Silverpath Gabriella Silverpath 2:31:11 pm Isle Of Haven
Gabriella Silverpath Gabriella Silverpath 12:36:45 am Isle Of Haven

Gabriella Silverpath Gabriella Silverpath 6:13:16 am Isle Of Haven
JeremiahBrawns Gabriella Silverpath 6:07:48 am Isle Of Haven

RodimusSteinerDavion Gabriella Silverpath 5:15:44 am Isle Of Haven
RodimusSteinerDavion Gabriella Silverpath 5:14:27 am Isle Of Haven

Gabriella Silverpath SkySunwarrior 6:31:14 pm Mirkwood Forest
Gabriella Silverpath Alexa Didero 6:29:31 pm Mirkwood Forest
KittygirlRawr (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 6:26:22 pm Mirkwood Forest
KittygirlRawr (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 6:24:36 pm Mirkwood Forest
Denzel Coy (Schendi Savages) Gabriella Silverpath 6:21:08 pm Mirkwood Forest
Fezspana (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 6:17:37 pm Mirkwood Forest
Gabriella Silverpath Simone2971 (Mirkwood Forest) 6:13:05 pm Mirkwood Forest
Fezspana (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 6:12:45 pm Mirkwood Forest
Gabriella Silverpath Simone2971 (Mirkwood Forest) 6:09:13 pm Mirkwood Forest
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 6:08:20 pm Mirkwood Forest
Chrissy Atheria (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 6:07:40 pm Mirkwood Forest
Denzel Coy (Schendi Savages) Gabriella Silverpath 6:06:07 pm Mirkwood Forest
Fezspana (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 6:05:48 pm Mirkwood Forest
Gabriella Silverpath Fezspana (Mirkwood Forest) 6:05:47 pm Mirkwood Forest
Chrissy Atheria (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 6:03:52 pm Mirkwood Forest
Gabriella Silverpath SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) 5:59:19 pm Mirkwood Forest
Fezspana (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 5:57:53 pm Mirkwood Forest
Gabriella Silverpath Fezspana (Mirkwood Forest) 5:57:48 pm Mirkwood Forest
Gabriella Silverpath Chrissy Atheria (Mirkwood Forest) 5:50:16 pm Mirkwood Forest
Chrissy Atheria (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 5:49:59 pm Mirkwood Forest

Gabriella Silverpath kimmy2501 9:56:25 am Siba

Gabriella Silverpath Gabriella Silverpath 10:13:30 am Hidden Forest

Danie Wiskee (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 3:29:50 am Mirkwood Forest
Danie Wiskee (Mirkwood Forest) Gabriella Silverpath 3:29:05 am Mirkwood Forest
Castor Serpente Gabriella Silverpath 3:27:33 am Mirkwood Forest

Drakenfar (Isles of Tira) Gabriella Silverpath 7:29:34 pm Port Kar - Caste of Th...
Lion Ravenhurst (Schendi Savages) Gabriella Silverpath 7:27:15 pm Port Kar - Caste of Th...