


Registered 2023-03-19 21:19:18
K/D 3.58:1
Binds 2.37:1
Bandages 1.99:1


Emergency01189998819991197253 does not have a bio.



  • Homebound
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  • Fantastic Five
    You're in the big leagues now. (500xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)



Emergency01189998819991197253 Elkwun (Skerry of Var) 7:03:01 pm Port Kar

Emergency01189998819991197253 Deth Darcy (Port of Brundisium) 5:55:18 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 cid1010 5:44:01 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 Deth Darcy (Port of Brundisium) 5:42:41 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 Deth Darcy (Port of Brundisium) 5:35:41 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 cid1010 5:32:46 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 Kyrinna Farrasco 5:25:33 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 Deth Darcy (Port of Brundisium) 5:24:42 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 cid1010 5:23:26 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 cid1010 5:18:54 pm Olni
Emergency01189998819991197253 Deth Darcy (Port of Brundisium) 5:17:29 pm Olni

Emergency01189998819991197253 Jarek SpiritWeaver (Olni) 7:15:00 pm Olni

Sonny Homebuilder (WTF Outlaws) Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) 7:50:46 pm The Alar
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Gapemaster 7:37:17 pm The Alar
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Wai Fae (TORCA) 7:36:53 pm The Alar
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) oOPickleOo 7:36:34 pm The Alar
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) oOPickleOo 7:36:34 pm The Alar
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Yuritzo (Argentum Mines) 7:36:15 pm The Alar
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) 7:35:45 pm The Alar
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) EthanJames2000 7:35:15 pm The Alar
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) DeadGirlWalking1 7:35:04 pm The Alar
Jennifer Lethdetter (Deadly Sinners) Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) 7:34:37 pm The Alar
Hacci Shamrock (Argentum Mines) Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) 7:33:06 pm The Alar
Mogunge (Argentum Mines) Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) 7:17:49 pm Argentum Mines
Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) 7:15:17 pm Argentum Mines
Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) 6:55:37 pm Argentum Mines
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Gapemaster 6:55:34 pm Argentum Mines
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Wai Fae (TORCA) 6:55:18 pm Argentum Mines
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Jennifer Lethdetter (Deadly Sinners) 6:55:10 pm Argentum Mines
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) EthanJames2000 6:55:02 pm Argentum Mines
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) monguzzi 6:54:42 pm Argentum Mines
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) SkySunwalker (Gates of Despair) 6:54:38 pm Argentum Mines
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Hacci Shamrock (Argentum Mines) 6:54:32 pm Argentum Mines
Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Pocahontas Bigboots 6:46:02 pm Argentum Mines

Emergency01189998819991197253 (The Alar) Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) 10:47:28 pm The Alar