
Charles Vane


Registered 2021-08-10 12:57:50
K/D 1:1.62
Binds 1:2.48
Bandages 1:1.07

Charles Vane

My Entire life i have fought people that think that all that matters is power.
and as long as chasing power , you can do whatever you want ,
you can be as ruthless as you want , as cutthroat as you want ,
you can rule with an iron fist , you can oppress whoever , whenever you want.
As long as it is in the name of power , fine , if that is the name of your game ... fine .
but understand if that is your game , my name isn't Charles Vane , my name is rebellion , my name is resistance.
I will fight
And you can't hang us all



  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Banker
    You're now officially the elite. (100xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Xefaria 11:35:11 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) lacas Adamczyk (Gates of Despair) 11:26:38 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) kostasgreece (Black Corsairs) 11:24:59 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) kostasgreece (Black Corsairs) 11:20:32 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) kostasgreece (Black Corsairs) 11:18:24 am Black Corsairs
kostasgreece (Black Corsairs) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 11:18:21 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) kostasgreece (Black Corsairs) 11:15:58 am Black Corsairs
kostasgreece (Black Corsairs) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 11:15:57 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Xefaria 11:15:09 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) NiaLuna (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 11:14:16 am Black Corsairs
lacas Adamczyk (Gates of Despair) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 11:13:19 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) lacas Adamczyk (Gates of Despair) 11:13:17 am Black Corsairs

CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) JohnMack 12:13:09 pm Topanga Canyon
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) JohnMack 12:11:57 pm Topanga Canyon
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) JohnMack 12:09:48 pm Topanga Canyon

CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Morrigancalhoun (Siba) 2:32:59 pm Siba
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) PapillonKiwi 1:39:29 pm Topanga Canyon
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) PapillonKiwi 1:36:47 pm Topanga Canyon

xRyeowookx CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 7:10:02 am Topanga Canyon
xRyeowookx CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 7:09:45 am Topanga Canyon
xRyeowookx CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 7:08:30 am Topanga Canyon
xRyeowookx CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 7:00:24 am Topanga Canyon
xRyeowookx CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 6:59:17 am Topanga Canyon
xRyeowookx CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 6:49:42 am Topanga Canyon

Yuritzo (Argentum Mines) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 8:27:48 pm The Alar
Godric Shadow (Deadly Sinners) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 8:24:27 pm The Alar

Elfida48 (Secret Bay) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 10:06:00 am Black Corsairs
Elfida48 (Secret Bay) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 10:02:52 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) alexcullen4 (Topanga Canyon) 10:02:43 am Black Corsairs
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Zyra Demina (Black Corsairs) 9:52:25 am Black Corsairs

CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) Shaun Kenin 11:40:33 am Topanga Canyon

SkySunwalker (Gates of Despair) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:37:48 pm Siba
SkySunwalker (Gates of Despair) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:37:03 pm Siba
InfinityHeaven (Siba) CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) 1:34:25 pm Siba
CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) SuaveGal (Siba) 1:29:23 pm Siba