Insane Ezzy Smells of Flour and Honey
Registered | 2017-10-17 06:15:04 | |
K/D | 1:5.77 | Binds | 1:2.48 |
Bandages | 1:1.62 |
Fun stuff happens here in SL and I tend to do them. I have many different Avis; a furry life, a human life, a fairy life, and a Vampire life.
RP is so much fun to me, it is like creating a story. I can go from three sentence RP's to Multiple Paragraphs. I prefer the Multi paragraphs however, since it adds more to the story we are creating. The RP's I do and the effects it has on me, it is precious...
PapillonKiwi | lacas Adamczyk (Gates of Despair) | 3:50:26 pm | Topanga Canyon | |
PapillonKiwi | lacas Adamczyk (Gates of Despair) | 3:48:08 pm | Topanga Canyon |
PapillonKiwi | xRyeowookx | 11:15:42 am | Topanga Canyon | |
PapillonKiwi | xRyeowookx | 11:11:42 am | Topanga Canyon |
PapillonKiwi | Kapezo | 9:12:32 am | Topanga Canyon |
shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) | PapillonKiwi | 9:29:46 am | Topanga Canyon | |
shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) | PapillonKiwi | 9:28:42 am | Topanga Canyon | |
Geneveve Warrhol (Secret Bay) | PapillonKiwi | 9:28:03 am | Topanga Canyon | |
Geneveve Warrhol (Secret Bay) | PapillonKiwi | 9:25:31 am | Topanga Canyon |
Sulkadahl (Topanga Canyon) | PapillonKiwi | 1:25:39 pm | Topanga Canyon | |
Angelinyoureyess | PapillonKiwi | 1:24:08 pm | Village of Gimli | |
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) | PapillonKiwi | 1:22:31 pm | Village of Gimli | |
Angelinyoureyess | PapillonKiwi | 1:22:02 pm | Village of Gimli | |
Carola Rosca (Tri'Moon Panthers and Darkport Pirates) | PapillonKiwi | 1:19:35 pm | Village of Gimli |