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Registered | 2017-09-29 08:43:15 | |
K/D | 1:1.21 | Binds | 1:1.14 |
Bandages | 1:1.35 |
My character is a Panther Girl, scorned violent, unruly, and cold hearted.
don't like it? good.
No I won't accept your shit collar, no I won't be your FC, fuck off with your floppy cock I don't care for it or you. period. SL Gor has burned me so many times over the years, it's time I just said fuck it and started killing peoples characters that piss me off. Enjoy the criminal this RP world has created.
Aoisla Luik (Village of Gimli) | Cellestria Silverfall | 12:42:56 pm | Mirkwood Forest | |
Aoisla Luik (Village of Gimli) | Cellestria Silverfall | 12:41:26 pm | Mirkwood Forest |
Cellestria Silverfall | HappySmash | 6:37:32 pm | Mirkwood Forest | |
Falling | Cellestria Silverfall | 9:13:15 am | Mirkwood Forest |
Falling | Cellestria Silverfall | 12:10:43 pm | Mirkwood Forest |
Katarina Smithson (Mirkwood Forest) | Cellestria Silverfall | 6:59:31 pm | Mirkwood Forest | |
Cellestria Silverfall | Yellow Core | 6:52:00 pm | Mirkwood Forest |
Drive2 (Argentum Mines) | Cellestria Silverfall | 6:08:57 pm | Argentum Mines | |
Drive2 (Argentum Mines) | Cellestria Silverfall | 6:07:30 pm | Argentum Mines | |
Cellestria Silverfall | Hacci Shamrock (Argentum Mines) | 6:04:47 pm | Argentum Mines | |
Gapemaster | Cellestria Silverfall | 6:01:34 pm | Argentum Mines | |
Cellestria Silverfall | SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) | 5:58:29 pm | Argentum Mines | |
SarahSimone (Mirkwood Forest) | Cellestria Silverfall | 5:58:28 pm | Argentum Mines | |
Chrissy Atheria (Mirkwood Forest) | Cellestria Silverfall | 5:53:38 pm | Argentum Mines | |
StarShineFalls (Mirkwood Forest) | Cellestria Silverfall | 5:52:34 pm | Argentum Mines |
Cellestria Silverfall | YoruAkira | 6:00:45 pm | Mirkwood Forest | |
Cellestria Silverfall | YoruAkira | 5:57:06 pm | Mirkwood Forest |
PearlKelly (Village of Gimli) | Cellestria Silverfall | 10:11:43 pm | Valkyrie Forest | |
PearlKelly (Village of Gimli) | Cellestria Silverfall | 10:07:23 pm | Valkyrie Forest | |
Cellestria Silverfall | AmirMahalah (Valkyrie Forest) | 10:07:15 pm | Valkyrie Forest | |
AmirMahalah (Valkyrie Forest) | Cellestria Silverfall | 9:57:58 pm | Valkyrie Forest | |
Cellestria Silverfall | Katarina Smithson (Mirkwood Forest) | 5:42:06 pm | Mirkwood Forest | |
YoruAkira | Cellestria Silverfall | 5:29:39 pm | Mirkwood Forest |
Cellestria Silverfall | Cellestria Silverfall | 6:02:18 pm | Valkyrie Forest | |
Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) | Cellestria Silverfall | 8:37:14 am | Valkyrie Forest | |
Cyraxian (Valkyrie Forest) | Cellestria Silverfall | 8:21:07 am | Valkyrie Forest | |
Cyraxian (Valkyrie Forest) | Cellestria Silverfall | 8:19:39 am | Valkyrie Forest | |
Cellestria Silverfall | Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) | 8:19:38 am | Valkyrie Forest | |
Cellestria Silverfall | Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) | 8:16:33 am | Valkyrie Forest | |
Cellestria Silverfall | Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) | 8:15:10 am | Valkyrie Forest |
Cellestria Silverfall | Druuna Milasevic (Topanga Canyon) | 7:32:21 am | Topanga Canyon | |
Cellestria Silverfall | Druuna Milasevic (Topanga Canyon) | 7:29:47 am | Topanga Canyon |
Skjoge (Siba) | Cellestria Silverfall | 8:30:12 pm | Mirkwood Forest | |
Skjoge (Siba) | Cellestria Silverfall | 8:29:02 pm | Mirkwood Forest |
Cellestria Silverfall | Cellestria Silverfall | 8:48:17 am | Valkyrie Forest |