Cellestria Silverfall

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Registered 2017-09-29 08:43:15
K/D 1:1.13
Binds 1:1.02
Bandages 1:1.34


My character is a Panther Girl, scorned violent, unruly, and cold hearted.

don't like it? good.

No I won't accept your shit collar, no I won't be your FC, fuck off with your floppy cock I don't care for it or you. period. SL Gor has burned me so many times over the years, it's time I just said fuck it and started killing peoples characters that piss me off. Enjoy the criminal this RP world has created.


Cellestria Silverfall does not belong to any groups.


  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)



Cellestria Silverfall Drusilla Bernard 8:21:48 pm Topanga Canyon
Lucinda Selona (Topanga Canyon) Cellestria Silverfall 8:21:11 pm Topanga Canyon
Cellestria Silverfall Drusilla Bernard 8:21:05 pm Topanga Canyon
Cellestria Silverfall Drusilla Bernard 8:20:18 pm Topanga Canyon

gg155 (Mirkwood Forest) Cellestria Silverfall 9:40:12 pm Secret Paradise

ScoobieSnax Cellestria Silverfall 2:42:31 pm Siba
ScoobieSnax Cellestria Silverfall 2:40:36 pm Siba

Elkwun (Hikeda'ya) Cellestria Silverfall 9:03:21 pm Mirkwood Forest
Elkwun (Hikeda'ya) Cellestria Silverfall 8:58:37 pm Mirkwood Forest
VadikObrecht (Rarir) Cellestria Silverfall 8:57:14 pm Mirkwood Forest
gg155 (Mirkwood Forest) Cellestria Silverfall 8:39:45 pm Mirkwood Forest
Cellestria Silverfall gg155 (Mirkwood Forest) 8:34:11 pm Mirkwood Forest

Cellestria Silverfall Nareisse Nandahar (Jungle of Schendi - Home of the Bloodsail Buccaneers) 10:17:54 pm Topanga Canyon
Cellestria Silverfall gg155 (Mirkwood Forest) 10:17:38 pm Topanga Canyon
Cellestria Silverfall gg155 (Mirkwood Forest) 9:59:07 pm Topanga Canyon
NotZuzu Cellestria Silverfall 9:46:12 pm Topanga Canyon
NotZuzu Cellestria Silverfall 9:42:31 pm Topanga Canyon
NotZuzu Cellestria Silverfall 9:36:14 pm Topanga Canyon
ThyraAyres (Tri'Moon Panthers and Darkport Pirates) Cellestria Silverfall 8:26:18 pm Mirkwood Forest
ThyraAyres (Tri'Moon Panthers and Darkport Pirates) Cellestria Silverfall 8:26:11 pm Mirkwood Forest

Cellestria Silverfall Cellestria Silverfall 11:06:20 pm Hikeda'ya

Elkwun (Hikeda'ya) Cellestria Silverfall 8:58:08 pm Mirkwood Forest
Elkwun (Hikeda'ya) Cellestria Silverfall 8:57:04 pm Mirkwood Forest

Cellestria Silverfall PixelPrincess95 4:47:41 pm Mirkwood Forest
justrp Cellestria Silverfall 4:44:10 pm Mirkwood Forest
justrp Cellestria Silverfall 4:42:49 pm Mirkwood Forest
Simone2971 (Mirkwood Forest) Cellestria Silverfall 4:42:37 pm Mirkwood Forest
justrp Cellestria Silverfall 4:42:11 pm Mirkwood Forest
justrp Cellestria Silverfall 4:41:32 pm Mirkwood Forest
marybenn (zima Ak'am, ice Fang, Tharna Silver Road) Cellestria Silverfall 4:40:39 pm Mirkwood Forest
Cellestria Silverfall PixelPrincess95 4:38:38 pm Mirkwood Forest
Cellestria Silverfall justrp 4:37:06 pm Mirkwood Forest
marybenn (zima Ak'am, ice Fang, Tharna Silver Road) Cellestria Silverfall 4:31:32 pm Mirkwood Forest

KittygirlRawr (Mirkwood Forest) Cellestria Silverfall 4:10:33 pm Mirkwood Forest
KittygirlRawr (Mirkwood Forest) Cellestria Silverfall 4:10:30 pm Mirkwood Forest