


Registered 2017-07-23 05:23:35
K/D 1:2.1
Binds 1:1.12
Bandages 1.14:1


“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
― Marilyn Monroe

If a complete loss of Manners is the result of becoming so self important in a game of nonsense... We really have nothing to discuss.
If it seems I am ignoring you, you are probably muted and derendered.


AnnaMadeline does not belong to any groups.


  • You Failure
    But i'll award you this achievement anyway. (25xp)
  • Loose Change
    You might as well give your money away. (-10xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



AnnaMadeline Budwiser 7:25:14 pm Mayfield 1950s RolePlay

AnnaMadeline Kat Dollinger 2:16:08 pm Mirkwood Forest

Giana Edenflower AnnaMadeline 2:31:23 pm Jungle of Sin
skrunk0 AnnaMadeline 2:29:46 pm Jungle of Sin
RedAngel1701S AnnaMadeline 2:29:37 pm Jungle of Sin
Sonny Homebuilder AnnaMadeline 2:28:03 pm Jungle of Sin
EdenRose Sharple AnnaMadeline 2:06:39 pm Jungle of Sin
Denzel Coy (Jungle of Sin) AnnaMadeline 1:48:47 pm Jungle of Sin

AnnaMadeline millakatecastigata (Valkyrie Forest) 2:47:18 pm Mirkwood Forest

AnnaMadeline Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) 7:09:21 pm Argentum Mines
AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 7:08:31 pm Argentum Mines
AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 7:01:13 pm Argentum Mines
Livia Pixelmaid (Hikeda'ya) AnnaMadeline 6:59:45 pm Argentum Mines

Chrissy Atheria (Mirkwood Forest) AnnaMadeline 3:00:14 pm Mirkwood Forest
Chrissy Atheria (Mirkwood Forest) AnnaMadeline 2:52:58 pm Mirkwood Forest
todora AnnaMadeline 2:22:38 pm Mirkwood Forest
UntouchableHeartt AnnaMadeline 2:20:43 pm Mirkwood Forest
TrampledFlea AnnaMadeline 2:10:03 pm Mirkwood Forest
Emergency01189998819991197253 AnnaMadeline 2:02:06 pm Mirkwood Forest
Emergency01189998819991197253 AnnaMadeline 1:49:57 pm Mirkwood Forest

AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 6:13:30 pm Argentum Mines
AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 6:11:28 pm Argentum Mines
AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:58:15 pm Argentum Mines
AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:57:27 pm Argentum Mines
AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:48:17 pm Argentum Mines
AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:41:58 pm Argentum Mines

AnnaMadeline Raizo Takeda (The Alar) 5:25:18 pm Hikeda'ya
Raizo Takeda (The Alar) AnnaMadeline 5:25:06 pm Hikeda'ya
Evemorrow (Mirkwood Forest) AnnaMadeline 5:22:53 pm Hikeda'ya
AnnaMadeline Denzel Coy (Mirkwood Forest) 5:21:50 pm Hikeda'ya
AnnaMadeline Rian Marjeta (Port Victoria) 5:16:42 pm Hikeda'ya
Rian Marjeta (Port Victoria) AnnaMadeline 5:16:20 pm Hikeda'ya

AnnaMadeline Dagny Ravenhurst 2:16:24 pm Valkyrie Forest

AnnaMadeline Femzzy 1:56:40 pm Mirkwood Forest

AnnaMadeline Ringstrue (Mirkwood Forest) 1:34:22 pm Mirkwood Forest