jonathan Woodsheart



Registered 2017-08-07 02:28:55
K/D 1.5:1
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Bandages 1:3

jonathan Woodsheart

I am many things. And among those is a pirate at heart. If you wish to know me feel free but the only way is to risk talking. That path can lead to many things.

"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."

“Life is pain, your highness. Anyone that says differently is selling something.”


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jonathan Woodsheart Kristianna Larsson 11:37:03 pm Village of Gimli
jonathan Woodsheart Kristianna Larsson 11:37:01 pm Village of Gimli
jonathan Woodsheart Face Jaxa 11:35:58 pm Village of Gimli
jonathan Woodsheart Kristianna Larsson 11:34:42 pm Village of Gimli
jonathan Woodsheart Face Jaxa 11:34:20 pm Village of Gimli

WaterNimph jonathan Woodsheart 7:57:02 pm Village of Gimli

Eve2420 jonathan Woodsheart 8:34:53 pm Village of Gimli
jonathan Woodsheart byronsullymichael 8:17:49 pm Village of Gimli

jonathan Woodsheart OlgaSambo 2:31:25 pm Village of Gimli

Kitkat Starlight jonathan Woodsheart 7:51:09 pm Talender Moon~ SANDFEL...
gimilia jonathan Woodsheart 7:49:05 pm Talender Moon~ SANDFEL...

DamienRa jonathan Woodsheart 2:56:49 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
DamienRa jonathan Woodsheart 2:55:03 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
ShiroGhast jonathan Woodsheart 2:51:41 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
ShiroGhast jonathan Woodsheart 2:51:41 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
ShiroGhast jonathan Woodsheart 2:47:45 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
ShiroGhast jonathan Woodsheart 2:34:46 am Village of Gimli
ShiroGhast jonathan Woodsheart 2:33:30 am Village of Gimli

jonathan Woodsheart erin Salty 1:51:50 am Siba
jonathan Woodsheart erin Salty 1:50:34 am Siba

jonathan Woodsheart I0R 6:24:53 pm Talender Moon