thefirstalf TopHat



Registered 2017-07-01 14:19:21
K/D 3.4:1
Binds 1.13:1
Bandages 1.1:1

Lt. Dan

[12:50] Bae Rae: (Saved Fri Sep 03 14:59:14 2021)Good luck with your new sim idiot :D can't wait to see it close


San Tor GE


  • Every Little Helps
    Do you not 1 on 1 bro? (25xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) Symphony Composer 5:04:56 pm Red Right Hand
thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) Symphony Composer 5:04:51 pm Red Right Hand
thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) CICLON Admiral 5:03:32 pm Red Right Hand
thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) JasonSakai (Not NR) 5:02:59 pm Red Right Hand

thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) Baea Dragovar (San Tor) 9:08:28 pm San Tor
AnnaMadeline thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) 8:52:11 pm San Tor
TherasiaLionheart (The Heathen Outlaws) thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) 8:49:29 pm San Tor
Vexing Jinx thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) 8:46:40 pm San Tor
Jet Vortex (San Tor) thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) 8:41:30 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) juztin Follet 6:00:10 pm San Tor
zade Twist (San Tor) thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) 5:47:29 pm San Tor
zade Twist (San Tor) thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) 5:47:29 pm San Tor
juztin Follet thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) 5:45:32 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (San Tor) juztin Follet 5:45:31 pm San Tor

Wrekgar Highwater (San Tor) thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) 8:48:33 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Wrekgar Highwater (San Tor) 8:48:31 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Logan Marques 8:47:07 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) BINKES 8:46:32 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Ramblaze 8:46:21 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Jet Vortex (San Tor) 8:46:05 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) BINKES 8:41:37 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) TryggTyran 8:40:38 pm San Tor
Wrekgar Highwater (San Tor) thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) 8:37:38 pm San Tor
Wrekgar Highwater (San Tor) thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) 8:34:16 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Wrekgar Highwater (San Tor) 8:34:16 pm San Tor
Wrekgar Highwater thefirstalf TopHat 7:05:29 pm Two Scimitars
thefirstalf TopHat Logan Marques (Two Scimitars) 7:04:39 pm Two Scimitars
thefirstalf TopHat ghostyx 6:59:39 pm Two Scimitars
thefirstalf TopHat ghostyx 6:12:26 pm Two Scimitars
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) ghostyx (San Tor) 6:11:14 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) ghostyx (San Tor) 6:10:13 pm San Tor
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Wrekgar Highwater (San Tor) 5:03:25 pm Mirkwood Falls
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Wrekgar Highwater (San Tor) 5:02:48 pm Mirkwood Falls
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Sonny Homebuilder 5:02:04 pm Mirkwood Falls
thefirstalf TopHat (Outskirts of Sardar) Kimibellas Voxel (TORCA) 5:02:01 pm Mirkwood Falls