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Southern Jungles of Gor



Region Type

Estate / Homestead


7 years ago



This region currently has no description set.










  • Beasts
    Beasts will take reduced damage.
Captures 41
Binds 18
Bandages 23
Kills 0
Aids 0
Resets 58
Last Synced 7 seconds ago



Drowning Greenfiresolar 12:41:57 am
Drowning Greenfiresolar 12:36:47 am

Drowning Litalf Hawker (Port of Brundisium) 3:11:03 pm

Leahassah liviajan 2:24:33 pm
Leahassah liviajan 2:22:59 pm

Katerinnn katastrophehunter 9:08:47 pm
Katerinnn katastrophehunter 9:06:47 pm

Jenny848944 ioneus Trill (Laura - The Northern Forest - Gor BTB) 11:25:12 pm

Cindy Sheriffe SirJackieEstacado 10:08:50 am
SirJackieEstacado Cindy Sheriffe 10:08:23 am
Cindy Sheriffe SirJackieEstacado 10:07:35 am
SirJackieEstacado Cindy Sheriffe 10:07:06 am
SirJackieEstacado Cindy Sheriffe 10:05:30 am
Cindy Sheriffe SirJackieEstacado 10:04:30 am
SirJackieEstacado Cindy Sheriffe 10:03:56 am

Drowning Jarvle Freck 6:59:20 am

Drowning Kiran Gant 9:21:47 am

Kalevala8 (Jungles of Ushindi) DeliciousAchebe 7:46:16 pm
Kalevala8 (Jungles of Ushindi) DeliciousAchebe 7:44:46 pm
Kalevala8 (Jungles of Ushindi) DeliciousAchebe 7:43:14 pm

Qahhar Kaos Reynaud (Jungles of Ushindi) 4:22:17 pm
Kaos Reynaud (Jungles of Ushindi) Qahhar 4:22:08 pm

Qahhar devorahxx 4:25:18 pm
Qahhar devorahxx 4:24:33 pm
Qahhar devorahxx 4:23:58 pm
Kaos Reynaud (Jungle Rain-forests of the Schendi) Qahhar 4:23:28 pm
Qahhar devorahxx 4:22:20 pm
Kaos Reynaud (Jungle Rain-forests of the Schendi) Qahhar 4:16:39 pm
Qahhar Kaos Reynaud (Jungle Rain-forests of the Schendi) 4:16:38 pm
Qahhar Kaos Reynaud (Jungle Rain-forests of the Schendi) 3:25:34 pm
Qahhar Kaos Reynaud (Jungle Rain-forests of the Schendi) 3:24:11 pm
Kaos Reynaud (Jungle Rain-forests of the Schendi) Qahhar 3:24:01 pm

Falling sharrissae 5:03:03 am

Drak Defiant Elsa Weatherwax 6:03:56 pm

Falling Tao Daxter 11:30:05 am


Attacker Captured Date
Drowning Greenfiresolar 2024·08·22 12:41:57 am
Drowning Greenfiresolar 2024·08·22 12:36:47 am
Drowning Litalf Hawker 2024·03·04 3:11:03 pm
Leahassah liviajan 2024·01·03 2:22:59 pm
Katerinnn katastrophehunter 2023·12·28 9:06:47 pm
Drowning Jarvle Freck 2023·05·13 6:59:20 am
Drowning Kiran Gant 2023·04·23 9:21:47 am
Kalevala8 DeliciousAchebe 2023·03·30 7:43:14 pm
Qahhar devorahxx 2023·01·30 4:22:20 pm
Falling sharrissae 2022·12·24 5:03:03 am


Attacker Bound Date
Leahassah liviajan 2024·01·03 2:24:33 pm
Katerinnn katastrophehunter 2023·12·28 9:08:47 pm
Kalevala8 DeliciousAchebe 2023·03·30 7:44:46 pm
Qahhar devorahxx 2023·01·30 4:23:58 pm
Isolde Bethune Kirsten Klaar 2022·03·20 12:14:35 pm
belux Yoshikawa Leahassah 2022·02·23 1:52:06 pm
Hilf Typhoon666 2021·05·12 1:10:40 pm
Hilf kongeorn 2021·05·12 1:09:35 pm
ManicMoMo SashaKylebaka 2020·12·17 9:14:13 pm
Nancy McGregor Nancy McGregor 2020·06·01 11:06:28 am


Player Date
ioneus Trill 2025·01·14 12:33:22 pm
ioneus Trill 2024·07·11 9:44:43 am
GalaFira 2024·03·26 4:07:08 am
ioneus Trill 2024·03·17 2:51:42 am
Litalf Hawker 2024·03·04 3:11:30 pm
Emonydax 2024·02·27 3:36:30 pm
andy25berlin 2024·02·26 3:35:33 pm
JulieAnne Rau 2023·11·02 8:04:25 am
Jarvle Freck 2023·05·13 6:59:38 am
Samara2Del 2023·03·30 9:03:13 pm


Killer Victim Date
- - -


Aider Aided Date
- - -


# Stealer Victim State Date
TQqM4CKZ... Jenny848944 ioneus Trill Completed 2023·09·30 11:25:12 pm
6VtFbJ7W... Kalevala8 DeliciousAchebe Completed 2023·03·30 7:46:16 pm
Qk2fgcz4... Qahhar devorahxx Completed 2023·01·30 4:24:33 pm
MxQjcyqF... Ramsteinn Narcissus Earthboy Completed 2020·04·24 4:42:49 pm
6D8VfPqy... Mysty Lavendel Emre85 Completed 2020·03·20 1:41:03 pm
q6R4y3hL... strike190681 irisinic Completed 2019·05·15 12:14:50 am