


Registered 2024-03-02 04:06:06
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A


My friends call me Huntsman, other people i don't really care.

We are all here to have fun. If you feel like you are not having fun, you should step away and get perspective. There is a person behind the avatar and in some cases you may effect that persons day. So make sure its a positive effect.

I will always give respect and expect it in return. As we are all human, I will misstep. It is a sure thing that I will misstep. Its not on purpose. If you feel my interaction with you has been negative, please IM and tell me. I may disagree with you but I will listen. If we agree to disagree, we can go our seperate ways or try to avoid those types of interactions in the future.

My play areas within SL - All below should have some RP with it. Its not fun to simply put you over my knee and spank you (My opinion only)
GOR - Simply for the fighting and group play.

I am not into nor will I entertain the following:

Kid play - I will go out of my way to piss you off and make you look very bad.
Changing your AVA. Not sure why people want to change someone elses AVA. If i'm playing with you its because I liked our interaction. So I will NOT change your AVA.
Slapping in the face - I read this on somone else profile and thought it was good to post. I think its the most disrespectful thing a Dom can so (its my opinion and one other persons ) I will not do it. If you like it that is fine. Just don't expect me to do it, even if you ask.

Disrespect. If you disrespect me I will let you know and if you don't correct it I will leave it in Open Chat as well. Not a threat, but everyone should have a baseline of respect for everyone else in SL. Read first point above. Your disrespect can effect somone behind the AVA. Think before you act.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Chicken
    That reset button has a cost. (-300xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Easy Way Out
    Don't you feel special. (-50xp)



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Keymosabi Voxel (TORCA) loveyourredbutt5 7:44:45 pm Argentum Mines
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Odo Dryke (Argentum Mines) loveyourredbutt5 7:30:42 pm Argentum Mines

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