
The Game Was Rigged From The Start


Registered 2021-06-29 23:03:21
K/D 1.5:1
Binds 1:1
Bandages N/A

Jack Reynolds

"You've done remarkable things. But you're fighting a war you've already lost."
"Yeah, well I'm known for that."

I play By The Books, but not, "By The Book Cover." Do YOU know the difference?


couriers1x does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



BellaDonna Aya couriers1x 12:09:44 pm Port of Brundisium

Ragna Yiyuan couriers1x 3:36:34 pm Genesian Port
Ragna Yiyuan couriers1x 3:35:43 pm Genesian Port

WinterVein couriers1x 9:29:41 pm Port Nykus
TrinityMystic couriers1x 9:29:14 pm Port Nykus
TrinityMystic couriers1x 9:28:07 pm Port Nykus
couriers1x TrinityMystic 9:27:55 pm Port Nykus
couriers1x TrinityMystic 9:27:39 pm Port Nykus

couriers1x AdewaIe 10:44:06 am Port Nykus
couriers1x AdewaIe 10:42:45 am Port Nykus

katie2bug (Port Kar ~ Tarn of the Seas) couriers1x 12:29:35 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

zade Twist (Outskirts of Sardar) couriers1x 12:03:09 am Outskirts of Sardar

Falling couriers1x 3:45:08 pm Myrkvidr Village