


Registered 2023-09-11 04:55:15
K/D 1.6:1
Binds 1.67:1
Bandages 2.5:1


Hello there ,i'm "Zino". English is not my native longuage so i may take a long time to read then to answer , so be pacient with me , in general i come to this pixel virtual world to fight and have some fun role play storys ,to vesit and explor all diffrent kind of role play sim's .
limits :
no cutting body parts .
no kill my character / expet for a good valabe reason .
no toilet play .
if you not rp for 15 min i can tp out .
no permanent capture 3 day max .
no god modding or mix between ic and ooc .
if i don't like something during the role play i will let you know in im /same thing for you .


ZinoAmor does not belong to any groups.


ZinoAmor has not earned any achievements.



ZinoAmor ZinaAmor (Secret Bay) 1:22:33 am Secret Bay
ZinoAmor ZinaAmor (Secret Bay) 1:21:56 am Secret Bay
ZinoAmor ZinaAmor (Secret Bay) 1:20:22 am Secret Bay

damonia Pedalo ZinoAmor 1:59:23 pm Secret Bay
nono2613amidala Citron (Dark Sword Outlaws) ZinoAmor 1:58:58 pm Secret Bay
OneDaringAlicia Resident (Nameless Bandits) ZinoAmor 1:57:41 pm Secret Bay
Kaine Core ZinoAmor 1:56:56 pm Secret Bay
nono2613amidala Citron (Dark Sword Outlaws) ZinoAmor 1:55:25 pm Secret Bay
ZinoAmor Katekieto 1:43:46 pm Secret Bay
ZinoAmor EmberShadow66 (Secret Bay) 1:42:26 pm Secret Bay
ZinoAmor ZinaAmor (Secret Bay) 1:36:47 pm Secret Bay
ZinaAmor (Secret Bay) ZinoAmor 1:33:20 pm Secret Bay
sophia Swords ZinoAmor 12:46:40 pm Secret Bay
Deeppack (WTF Outlaws) ZinoAmor 12:45:10 pm Secret Bay
ZinoAmor Perfectcolor 12:39:30 pm Secret Bay

ZinoAmor Sexy Spirt (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 3:39:15 am Secret Bay
ZinoAmor Sexy Spirt (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 3:36:16 am Secret Bay
ZinoAmor Meena Wulluf 3:35:48 am Secret Bay
ZinoAmor Meena Wulluf 3:34:45 am Secret Bay

ZinoAmor sosla Beck 5:27:26 pm Village of Gimli

ZinoAmor Sara Bloodrose 9:04:52 pm Secret Bay
ZinaAmor ZinoAmor 9:03:54 pm Secret Bay
ZinoAmor Sara Bloodrose 9:03:52 pm Secret Bay
ZinoAmor Sara Bloodrose 9:02:46 pm Secret Bay
jace Meskin ZinoAmor 3:24:02 pm Secret Bay
jace Meskin ZinoAmor 3:21:33 pm Secret Bay
eratostenea ZinoAmor 3:09:53 pm Valkyrie Forest
jace Meskin ZinoAmor 3:07:16 pm Valkyrie Forest
ZinoAmor jace Meskin 3:04:27 pm Valkyrie Forest
ZinoAmor eratostenea 2:08:08 pm Black Corsairs
ZinoAmor eratostenea 2:05:00 pm Black Corsairs
ZinaAmor ZinoAmor 2:02:37 pm Black Corsairs
jace Meskin ZinoAmor 1:59:58 pm Black Corsairs

ZinoAmor ZinaAmor 3:53:00 am Valkyrie Forest
ZinoAmor ZinaAmor 3:52:17 am Valkyrie Forest