


Registered 2024-01-24 00:18:47
K/D 1:2.2
Binds 1:3.67
Bandages N/A


KIdnapped from Earth I was confused and captured
Mase to act as boy till I was freed
I am exploring lands and seeeking new routes and Trapping aeas,
I am man of peace unless you piss me off
No captures more than 3 days
No Killing accepted
No children
No Scat
Keeep it real
No death or dismmemberment



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Loose Change
    You might as well give your money away. (-10xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



XXVladxx1223 Resident (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 7:49:47 am Jungles of Ushindi

katastrophehunter (Ice Fang) XXVladxx1223 9:40:22 am Ice Fang

XXVladxx1223 Poldor 4:24:08 pm Valkyrie Forest

4liah XXVladxx1223 4:46:41 am Schendi Savages
4liah XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 4:46:30 am Schendi Savages

Fata Falta XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 5:51:02 pm Valkyrie Forest

Summerfugl XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 5:48:22 pm Valkyrie Forest
XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) Summerfugl 5:45:55 pm Valkyrie Forest
XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) Summerfugl 5:41:51 pm Valkyrie Forest

kanrem (Valkyrie Forest) XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 6:41:47 pm Valkyrie Forest

LucasOVilela XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 6:15:33 am Valkyrie Forest

CharlesVane84 (Mirkwood Forest) XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 6:15:49 pm Valkyrie Forest

XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) Jesssicagirl 5:13:57 am Valkyrie Forest

lilsara Carissa XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 2:33:13 pm Valkyrie Forest
lilsara Carissa XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 2:26:47 pm Valkyrie Forest
Neviana0 XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 2:23:39 pm Valkyrie Forest
XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) Parfyme 2:20:44 pm Valkyrie Forest
lilsara Carissa XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 2:19:02 pm Valkyrie Forest

ivke3110 (Village of Aria) XXVladxx1223 (Valkyrie Forest) 7:06:56 am Village of Aria

Vitallinae2021 XXVladxx1223 12:38:41 pm Village of Gimli

Nilasso XXVladxx1223 (Jungles of Ushindi) 4:13:36 pm Jungle of Balozi

SagoWitch (Port Victoria) XXVladxx1223 1:33:11 pm Black Corsairs

RaihanChy (Whispering Moons / Town of Ti) XXVladxx1223 11:18:06 am Valkyrie Forest

kirsten295 XXVladxx1223 (Jungles of Ushindi) 6:59:21 am Jungles of Ushindi

XXVladxx1223 JaggyJagz 3:28:38 pm Valkyrie Forest
XXVladxx1223 JaggyJagz 3:28:21 pm Valkyrie Forest
XXVladxx1223 JaggyJagz 3:25:24 pm Valkyrie Forest
XXVladxx1223 JaggyJagz 3:19:59 pm Valkyrie Forest
tammi4u222 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) XXVladxx1223 2:48:14 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers

marybenn (Black Corsairs) XXVladxx1223 4:03:14 pm Valkyrie Forest

Bienentier (Secret Bay) XXVladxx1223 12:04:52 pm Valkyrie Forest
PearlKelly (Village of Gimli) XXVladxx1223 11:29:36 am Valkyrie Forest
TayTunes XXVladxx1223 11:27:08 am Valkyrie Forest

Aine Bellisserian (Jungles of Ushindi) XXVladxx1223 (Jungles of Ushindi) 9:27:10 am Jungles of Ushindi
Patty Landar (Marsh Wood Pirates) XXVladxx1223 6:54:49 am Secret Bay