


Registered 2022-01-05 17:47:20
Binds 1:1.33
Bandages N/A


Ubara of Turmus Bactu's Woman

Our children:
Son Christian - First born and Son-In-Law Marcos.
Son Aspar, Daughter Akima, Son Kamuk Daughter Andora,
Son Andrik, Son Amut (Pronouced A-moot)
Twins - Son Anzar , Son Ashur

Our slave boy Brannon

Just looking for roleplay. Old School Gor preferred.


  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)



Falling Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 9:16:48 am City of Turmus

Brannon Lowenhart Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 6:47:48 pm City of Turmus
Brannon Lowenhart Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 6:47:12 pm City of Turmus
Falling Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 6:46:18 pm City of Turmus

Bella Shade (City of Turmus) Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 6:48:05 pm City of Turmus
Bella Shade (City of Turmus) Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 6:47:05 pm City of Turmus
Alen Shade Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 6:46:35 pm City of Turmus

Nicholas Eel Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 3:17:11 pm City of Turmus
Aloff Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 3:15:16 pm City of Turmus

Falling Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 6:32:05 am City of Turmus

Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) Brannon Lowenhart 6:19:16 pm Genesian Port
Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) Brannon Lowenhart 6:17:18 pm Genesian Port

Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 7:23:36 pm City of Turmus

GrabbingTheGoodies Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 3:02:52 pm City of Turmus
Drowning Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 3:01:20 pm City of Turmus

Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) ArellaEve (Torcadino ) 12:09:46 pm Nile River

Johncoffee (Skol) Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 12:03:47 pm [Torvaldsland] - Solhe...
Johncoffee (Skol) Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 12:02:24 pm [Torvaldsland] - Solhe...

Falling Violet325 2:19:23 pm [Torvaldsland] - Solhe...

Violet325 Violet325 1:19:40 pm [Torvaldsland] - Solhe...

Drowning Violet325 8:01:46 am [Torvaldsland] - Solhe...

Violet325 Violet325 7:32:42 am [Torvaldsland] - Solhe...